Fact: Any man who is balding and decides to get a hair transplant or plugs is no man at all.

1  2018-12-01 by Joseph_Spud

Insecure faggot


I got a very heathy mane of Dago weeds at 32. But if I start losing it, it's getting buzzed off. I gag whenever I see some dude on the train with a combover or a Terry Bradshaw skullet.

I don’t know...if it was something easily fixed and I had balded young, I may have considered a transplant. Studies have shown hair makes you look younger and more attractive...10k for better puss seems reasonable.

At Anthony’s age, with that face...why bother. Paint job on a Pinto.

Not accepting the cards you’re dealt is a female trait. Makes sense considering most modern men are total fags.

You’re so manly to ignore modern science to fix cosmetic problems. I’m guessing 5’6, angry and balding?

You’re a faggot for caring about cosmetic problems.


Even joe cumia accepted his fate.

What happens if you meet a hot girl when you have a hat on and you're about to fuck her and you take the hat off and you have a shaved head? Does she pull her pants back up and call it a night? If so, would you even want to fuck a girl who would do that ?

Where are you wearing a hat all the time? If you are wearing a baseball hat all the time and you’re over 25 (and not a Yankee) it’s creepy.

You’re missing the point. If I was 23 (I’m not) and going bald (I’m not) and it was easily fixable so that I’d statistically be more attractive to women, why wouldn’t you? Tough guy who obsesses over 60 year old Joe Cumia and overused the word “faggot” may not care about vagina, but I do.

Statistically, close to 100% of men will lose some hair in their lifetime. Everyone is balding, just at a different pace. I started losing my hair at 22 and it hasn't made a difference either way that I know of. I can't imagine that having more hair and not shaving my head would have allowed me to get hotter/more girls. I think girls only care if the guy cares that he's losing his hair. This has just been my experience. People obsess over all kinds of shit that they think will make all the difference in the world in terms of the quality of pussy they get. Got a hair transplant? Great , well you're still 5'7. Got a six pack now? Congrats, you still have a bitch voice. And being at least average height and having a deep voice probably are more important than if you have hair or not, so I don't think this is a false equivalency. Idk man, I just think people have a LOT of shit to be insecure about before they get to their hair

I agree with your points in general. My original thought was I would have considered it and didn’t think it was being a “faggot” like mongo suggested. Everyone has some insecurities, why not eliminate one if its easy and not drastic? You’re not changing your height or voice, can work out and not be a pig, but this one seems to be taking some hair and moving it elsewhere. God bless you if you’ve done well with losing it at 23, but you have to know you’re an anomaly. Just look around.

I don't think you understand how hair transplants work though. Hair transplants don't prevent you from losing more hair. You keep balding after the hair is moved to the top of your head, and the doctor prescribes a drug like Propecia (which can potentially ruin your life, but that's another topic) to keep it in. If that's not enough, it just keeps falling out. In fact, many hair transplant docs refuse to do work on patients younger than 30 for this very reason. There is enough research to suggest that if a person is losing their hair before 30 it's a sign of their overall health failing, which is at least true in my case. You can say I'm an anomaly, but I still think you and most people in society have a fundamental misunderstanding of baldness as a concept/health issue. And like I said, it's something most men can look forward to.

I know that piece...guy I was friendly with in my office got one in his early 30s. They gave him propecia and made him get a special laser comb or some shit. It ended up looking decent but it wasn’t drastic...maybe like what Steve Carell did.

I didn’t mean for this to be some Oprah shit. I saw the thread and commented. Commence with the dick jokes.

Don't wear a hat. As long as you have a decently shaped face, some women get wet for shaved head people so long as you dont look like a Norton. Aim for a jason statham

Yeah who cares if you're an un kept slop who gets zero attention from women. At least you're manly!!

Thinking women want a guy who spends 10k on hair restoration to end up with shitty looking old man hair

Seriously just wear a fucking hat.

"You spend time with your barber?"

It would make sense if Anthony did some effort to look decent. He dress like shit, he is getting fat e hasn't done anything to repair his fucked acne face.

It only works if no one knows. It's like fake tits. If you don't know they're fake tits you look at them and think wow, nice tits, but if you know they're fake you can't help but wonder how they feel and whether they look fake close-up. If you're bald and you get plugs or a rug, women who knew you as bald will just laugh at your fake hair.

They're pretty amazing these days -- plugs I mean. Especially if you have straight hair. Look at Elon Musk or even Jim Jeffries. They're not perfect but unless we had old photos you'd probably never guess.

You can easily guess it with Jeffries. Also Musk has pribably dumped serious money into his hair system

You don't think he used a can of that spray on hair?

Just wear a wig like Phil Spector or Roger the Alien

I wanna agree with you but brother joe shaved his head.