Things more successful than Anthony's book launch 5/500

1  2018-12-01 by RelevantField


Your sister is still the best game in town. She still fucking that black guy?

I got one of these with 5 games on discount from a blockbuster and I gotta say it was pretty solid

Really? I remember trying this shit at Toys R Us and getting bored after 15 seconds. Played some sort of tennis game and I could barely make out what was happening

I could be wrong, I was easily impressed when I was a kid and plus I had got the thing for $25 a year after it had came out. But the Mario tennis was the boring one out of the five games

You're not wrong, the system gets a lot of shit from people that never even played it. Definitly was a headache generator though.

Mario Tennis was the best game on the fucking thing

I played the wario game at a toys r us and the red and black was not enjoyable

teleroboxing was the shit

Also, things Anthony mistakingly ordered thinking it was something completely different 1/1000