Brother Joe elaborates and clarifies his "Anth Attacked=Nigger" comments

1  2018-12-01 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


I'm glad Joe decided to open his twitter back up. It makes searching and archiving his tweets a breeze.

Are these live links on Image-er, that can be manipulated easily and taken out of context, often?

No amount of editing could even make joe look bad. The only person that can make him look worse than he actually is is himself. It's a skill that will be talked about for generations.

I paraphrased what the shithead said during The People's Court, when the judge was about to read out his tweets.

The Cumias lie with impunity.


You know he thinks of himself as a 'racial realist', rather than an ignorant, insular pan wielder.

He wields the potato peeler like a mofo too.

Well at least he's qualified to discuss sociology. He's a regular Jordan Peterson with his high school dropout, drug dealer/user status

He's dumb enough to think that his pseudo intellect will clarify any misconceptions of the Cumia's

Joe is an insult to the millions of years of evolution that came before him.

1 THEN HAS THE RIGHT to use racial epithets

this is what the cumias actually believe

I mean you have a right to use racial epithets but you don't have the right to be free of consequences.

So so so so so so so, you're saying that SPEECH! Is white supremacy?

Speech should be free and unrestricted unless it's on a subscription forum

quite the logical conclusion

"I'm his brother. Anybody have any questions for me?"

Yes! Who makes a better looper pedal, Digitech or Boss?

How can I sound just like Eric?

You can start with naming your first born after a song of his.

A song about a prostitute if possible.

"Yes, how big is his current ass-egg?"

I love that each tweet has like 2 retweets and 5 likes... I hope it's a blow to his ego and he stops, but it doesnt seem that way.

he's like a lawyer for retarded racists

Johnny Cockren

Johnny Cockring

Japan was nuked, Osama killed, the animal that attacked Ant was lucky

So he decided to extend the analogy that made no sense to begin with?

He's just fucking mind-numbingly stupid.

A girl hits you = pull your gun and shoot?

I don’t think that’s why you carry a gun.

But did you hear that the girl was black?

So was the victim!

I’m glad we have Joe Cumia to hand down lessons on the appropriate use of racial epithets from his ivory tower of stupidity.

I recognize some of these words but this makes no sense

I dont think they issue gun permits in case a woman is slapping at you.

What a pussy.

And tell me there's not ONE OF You that didn't think what I just said

Yes Joe, when anthony was beaten up by a girl my very first thought was "this is exactly like the two most devastating attacks in American history".

That's his and nana's biggest problem. They think everyone else thinks like them and are just being silenced by political correctness. Rather than thinking that people might actually differ in their thought process.

But no, we're all liars who secretly want to fuck 13 year olds and shout racial epithets. BE HONEST.

Joe knew that Anthony's "shenanigan" would lower his allowance.

Ant looks like a deflated Big A

I like how he uses the equal sign because he thinks math makes him look smart.

Joe actually something approaching a point for once. Of course instead of just saying that sometimes people react badly in stressful situations and say thing they otherwise wouldn't, this brain hemorrhage survivor had to to spew a bunch of rambling nonsense instead.

"It's okay to call someone a nigger, because she attacked my effeminate brother. That doesn't mean I hate black people in general."- Joe "Dipshit" Cumia

...and if you squint a little

Reason For Concealed Carry Permit Request:

In case some big black bitch starts sassing me when I'm out taking pictures of scaffolding in Time Square at three in the morning.

I'm starting to think Anthony did not have his gun on him that night. Maybe he forgot it in the car. He's been dreaming his whole life of shooting an N-person. If that opportunity presented itself there's no way in hell he would be able to show restraint.

The fact that he didn't blow her head off demonstrates how little he was threatened to begin with.

Oh your so lucky I didn't kill you....

he clarified, and he KNOWS what words to capitalize for the emphasis. Great communicator.

Legally issued to carry while drunk and harrassing black women, yea that shooting would have ended well in Jew York. Specially for a guy with such racist backround.

Well that's about the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

Also that's not why he was issued a carry permit. It was to defend against psycho show stalkers, not to defend against random strangers he instigated a fight with.