u/MollyWobbles7 coming clear about the Fake Cumia DMs

1  2018-12-01 by GayAdmanDonDraper


nice punctuation stupid.

nice punctuation stupid.

You really should have proofread that one.

Also, somebody like you couldn't even catfish Bobo. And how about presenting the full conversations? You won't do it because you are too lazy to fake that many DMs.

My sides are gone as is the twitter I used. Also I'm not looking for attention I thought it would be funny to post my interactions I was pretty sure I lost. Just a goof on Anthony. Not hard to catfish a drunk egomaniac kid fucker.

Well fucko? You gonna post the rest or did you embarrass yourself trying to embarrass a geriatric kidfucker?

Is this fake?

Yes. You probably know it yourself already: Press F12 in Firefox or Crtl + Shift + I in Chrome and you can temper with the the sites appearance on your screen.

Nice "tamper", stupid. Thanks for coming clean though.

I'm not coming clean. This is obvious.

Alright, Cumia lover. Whatever.

Gee, who came in your mouth and didn't call back?

'Cumia lover' is the politically incorrect version of 'Nigger lover'

just so ya know

In this context it isn't.


OP is a Cumia apologist

Fucking stalker. I deleted that one.

Nice "tamper", stupid. Thanks for coming clean though.