Things more successful than Anthony's book launch 3/500

1  2018-12-01 by RelevantField


Thats a new one to me and yeah, jesus christ

what mongrel shithole is this from

new york?

Phillipines. They have all kind of wild fast food there. I think they still have Kenny Rogers' Roasters, too.

It's the wood that makes it good

Sadly enough I remember making that at McDonalds in the late 80s. Rochester, NY was a test bed market for the chain. Also tested out fajitas, burritos, and pizzas. The pasta was the worst.

Regular burritos are already bubble gut inducing but Imagine the shits you’d from McDonald’s burritos

McDonald's sausich burritos are the shit

I stand corrected, they are good

We evolved to quality salads and baguette sandwiches at Panera.

Things more Italian than Anthony.