According to Anthony's book, every time he frothed & spewed about Obama or Trayvon Martin, he was actually playing a character

1  2018-12-01 by YangtzeRiverChina

Backpedaling jackass.


It's this shit that should piss off his remaining ballwashing fans the most, but they keep singing his praises. They loved him for being unapologetically racist and refusing to go on an apology tour wheb he got canned, but years later as what's left of his his career is circling the drain, he's rewriting history and claiming he didn't mean those things he said all those years.

Of course, it's all in "pushing the edge". As civilians, we'll never experience or understand it. He's a regular Chuck Yeager.

So nice you said it twice.

Of course, it's all in "pushing the edge". As civilians, we'll never experience or understand it. He's a regular Chuck Yeager.

He is playing the Amy Schumer, "That's not really me, that's just a character." Card.

Like Mista Imus?

Nana evolved

He was doing the bit!

He uses caruchturs like Mistuh Imus.

This bullshit dodge is not working for Alex Jones why the fuck would he think it would work for him?

So, he actually thinks he is the radio version of Archie Bunker. Or is he just saying that to avoid scrutiny when he is with this liberal friends?

The Trayvon era is where I tapped out of O&A. He lost all perspective and ability to express his gay ass views humorously and just became an angry dope.


That's what all these mother fuckas say

"Dani, I didn't put the beads up my ass: it was a character. A character!

All the libs itt smh