so what are the hall monitors here gonna focus on next now that jre is in the book?

1  2018-12-01 by jfjfgjgfjdfgjgfjdgfj

im either gonna start trashing everyone from here on out on this O&A subreddit or go s wiliams box.

can i say cc sebathia around here?


We can just wait for joe to do something stupid.

Shouldn't take long

joe cumia soap opera. why am i almost okay with this?

but niggas aint even really fucking with him. its his dumbfuck twitter feed and people posting pictures with him and his kid like theyre not the retard.

not sold.

Oh well if you're not buying it I guess it's time to close up shop.

Take the sub down boys, it's all over!

God will provide.

is the dumbest thing you ever typed

Shutup Josephine

drawing for sidebar request

cc sebathia high fiving brett ratner over sam roberts


oh and opies a faggot just to rile up the westwood interns and thoughtless youtubers. fucking hate you.

brought that brotherman shit over to the jre forums and it went over like a lead zeppelin. o&a never did hipster comedy.

Nice drunken ramblings, stupid.

joe cumia soap opera. why am i almost okay with this?

but niggas aint even really fucking with him. its his dumbfuck twitter feed and people posting pictures with him and his kid like theyre not the retard.

not sold.