After today: It's pretty clear to me that Ant might be closer to intentionally committing suicide (more than he's ever been), or overdosing on some sort of cocktail accidentally.

1  2018-12-01 by TangerineReam


Well he has my full support

His "girlfriend" (not assuming her gender) is probably slowly poisoning him by putting anti-freeze in all his food and drinks.

I didn't listen to the Rogan appearance because I assumed it would be boring and uneventful. What are you getting my hopes up about? Why is he noticeably suicidal?

Look at his fucking life. You can't keep that kind of shit up for long, while living in denial.

He talks like a person hiding some serious depression, he laughs and repeats words constantly without thinking of new ones, like his mind is pre occupied and can’t form thoughts, he admitted early on he’s become more and more cynical the past 4.5 years and he thinks it’s because of social media

It isn’t looking good

Wet-brained idiot

Suicide is always intentional