
1  2018-12-01 by Single_Action_Army


How many do i need to become a Prince?

How does this even work? So if you give someone coins do they get actual money from it or are you just wasting money for faggy internet shit?

The second thing

It unlocks features for the recipient I think.

I always see people on Reddit bitching about micro-transactions, but not once have I ever met someone irl who is stupid enough to spend their money on cosmetic bullshit like this. What kind of demographic is going to spend their money on this?

can i type the words conde nast here or do i disappear

People that have been polarized politically and want to virtually wank other polarized politically like-minded individuals.

Only faggots use reddit and only the gayest faggots give them money.

Someone gave me reddit gold once and it just unlocks some pretty lame features. Shading new comments in a thread a pale blue? WOW SO VERY WORTH IT.