It’s almost time.

1  2018-11-30 by OpieEatsBoogers


He looks like he escaped from a dementia ward by beating and stealing the clothing of a 14 year d Canadian boy visiting his ailing grandmother.

That sounds too specific to be made up

Ant couldn't beat up a 14 year old boy. He needs Keith to tranq them before the raping

Ant couldn't beat up a 14 year old boy. He needs Keith to tranq them before the raping

Nana tits are poke out

Y-you wanna suck 'em?

Shirt Source

Fuck off with your horseshit

He looks like he’s drank through 5 straight hangovers. What a buffoon.

Haha. Simple, succinct, yet accurate.

5? Try over 1400. Has he had one day off from getting shitfaced since he got fired? I doubt it.

I'm sure its against YouTube terms of service for Rogan to feed Nana live on air, but I'm sure that won't stop them when the cameras are off.

Someone said they wished Rogan would Weed Nana in another thread. I loffed.

That soy sauce hair. I think out of everything that Nana has done....the hair dye might be the worst.

Is that the gun shirt from a few days ago??

Did he not have a weeks worth of shirts to pack? Did he do laundry?

I need answers

Keith did his laundry. Or a maid at the hotel. Probably Keith tho. Nana doesn’t like the Mexicans or Blacks touching his linen.

His precious ten year old screen printed Rockstar linen.

He left it outside the door at The Ritz to be washed. That's a $80 washing job on that t-shirt.

Nice wardrobe, stupid.

Was there a better place to put that sign?Or right in between the security panel and the thermostat?

He looks miserable.

He's having a great time! A-HAHA-HAAAA!!

I see they wouldn't let Nana near any of the weapons.

He's looking very yakuza here.

Could just wear the triangle straw hat without the squinty eyed glasses this time.

Nice swollen hands, stupid.

Lumpy bitch