
1  2018-11-30 by TonyFromLongIsland


Shit Eater

If it's with Dr Steve it's not gay. That's what he told me.

This is a genuinly good-natured guy. People like that are rare. You shouldn't be mean to him.

I won't listen to all that, just give me the gist of it. What did he do wrong?

Doesn't have time to listen to something that will prove him wrong, but expects me to type up a summary for him.

It's 90 minutes. I don't care that much about being right or wrong on this. Just tell me or don't. Was he mean to somebody? and if so, to whom? I would even just take your word, you gay idiot.

You'll have to tune in, lambchop. I can't put his faggotry into words and do it justice.

yeah words are hard huh

Not as hard as my dick

Why? Is there a hot man around?

"Is there a hot man around?" alright Nana.

I said man, not transsexual boy

Most likely not worth it. I'm pretty sure what kind of person you are.

LOL WHAT. now who's the gay idiot?

He's a good natured simpleton.

Sam Roberts was fucking Pat in the ass for this bit.And this was before the circumcision.

I said man, not transsexual boy