There goes any chance for a Cumia film

1  2018-11-30 by PacemakerGuy


I guess they can't risk letting a movie be made about the women scared for life in acid attacks.

Nail on the head.

I love how wonderfully idiotic this is . They are banning people with facial deformities from playing movie villains . HAHAHAAHAH

I hope they ban people from playing jewish,black,gay, e.c.t villains and watch their employment opportunities dwindle .


It’s clearly lame and gay, but let’s not overreact. This isn’t a country banning something, it’s a charitable organization choosing not to fund something.

they get shekels from Uk government ... so all brits sponsor (indirectly) their shenanigans .

Fair point.

Now we'll never get to see the Seal documentary :(

“Listen mate, if ya av villains with scars this creates a stereotype.”

Jazz hands for it.

Are deformed movie villains really negatively scarred people's quality of life?

What is the British Film Institue funding exactly? Stiff acting by wig wearing faggots? Recolorization of some shit 1940's film?

Nice sub to that shit website, faggot