"Globalists/socialists need to leave USA" - Joe Cumia 11/30/18

1  2018-11-30 by crookedmile


He broke bad. He wears sunglasses and biker attire. He looks like a criminal, but he’s not... he’s an American god damnit.

And not one of those sjw-beta-cuck hillary supporters.

His brother Anthony... he’s a part of his success just so you know. That’s why Ant pays him... duh.

Joe is a badass plan and simple my fine feathered friends.

Fake news is ok as long as it reinforces his beliefs

I find it hilarious how upsetting this is to some people.

Our economy, specifically the agriculture sectors, would collapse without these people who do back breaking work for less than minimum wage and no benefits.

As much as conservatives bitch about migrants, they full well know how dependent our economy is on their labor, but it's just for show.

Vice did a great but short documentary on what happens when you remove migrants from an economy.

Alabama enacted a strict anti-migrant policy several years back, and after doing so, the state lost billions of dollars in the economy not to mention the hundreds of millions in tax revenue. it was a complete backfire.

If you have 15 minutes to spare, It's worth the watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0ZzwGSF6Zg

The president happens to be a business owner- his businesses employ cheap migrant labor because Americans arent going to do those shit jobs for no money. Thats why this whole skilled immigrant labor stuff is nonsense, you cant only bring skilled workers into a job force.

We're also totally locked into this economy where we want to increase profits and decrease cost, which is why we use cheap labor and import cheap shit from other countries. Salaries have not scaled with profits and corporations sit on giant sums of money. The job market gets more competitive and education means less and costs more. The unemployment numbers are also sortof a lie because more people with jobs are looking for jobs so the employees dont enjoy the power they mightve in the past. What it adds up to is people more inclined to not to shit work, and price increases on goods having an even greater impact on quality of life.

I forgot to mention the construction economy in my above post.


When I was selling my house I need to replace a toilet per the Home inspection report. I never replaced one before, so I reached out to my buddy who does construction and he referred me to this Mexican plumber who barely spoke any English. I paid him $50 to get the toilet and install it. And all these fucking Republicans who are against immigrants would hire one over an American small business if that meant saving money.


Side note: I was in the process of moving out of the house and I had a 22" flat screen TV sitting on my dining room table, and asked if he can have the TV instead of the $50. I gave him the TV for free on top of the $50.


Just be fucking kind to people who are less fortunate. It's not that fucking hard.

I had a 22" flat screen TV

A lot of people in the room, need more space? Voila, right in the wall

LOL. It was in a spare bedroom that only my family used when they came to visit.

Sometimes I’ll just stand here and watch it for hours.

They point at manufacturing jobs which up to the 70s were high paying, unionized jobs for Americans without higher educations but those jobs didn't go away because a guatemalan took it- a robot took it or the jobs was moved overseas and both things were done to reduce the price of the goods to increase profits. Anyone being honest knows that latinos coming here are cleaning hotels, working in restaurants, landscaping and as construction help.

Speaking of Guatemala, I delivered pizza while in college and there were two Guatemalans who worked at the shop that made the pizza/hoagies. These guys worked 6 days a week from 11 am to 1 am the following morning. Literally worked 14 hours a day in a hot kitchen. That's 84 hours in 6 days. Both guys were really cool and always had smiles on their faces. I asked the one guy what he did with his money, and he said a majority of it he sends back to his family because they were so fucking dirt poor.

These migrants work harder in one day than Joe worked his entire life.

Name another part of the globe Joe, go on, ill wait.


We should start spamming his posts on /r/insanepeoplefacebook

Wish we could deport Joe back to Somalia

The one genius spells "than" wrong and the other blabs about "sponsoring" and waiting in line to get here legally. Current policy would not allow any of them to come here legally unless they married an American, got sponsored by an employer for a high-skilled job or could claim asylum which very few south Americans can

Outside of atlanta and like three other cities, hardly any towns in Georgia have any murders. I don’t think I need to bother pointing out whether there’s a town that requires gun ownership. What a moron.