Joe, I challenge you to a guitar duel

1  2018-11-30 by Single_Action_Army

I'm sick of your old, pedophile ass talking nonstop about "we musicians." You're not a musician, Joe. You read guitar tabs and can't even support yourself after 50 years at your "craft."

Rules: We each get 5 minutes of soloing over the same backing track. No gay pedals. I'll get either a private or university music teacher to judge it.

If I win, you have to admit you have to delete your twitter. If you win, I'll stop spying on Layla in the bushes.

Do it, faggot. Or puss out like everything you do in life.


I support thisđŸ’¯

What ya got against guitar tabs?

They're fine if you're just starting out or just play for fun. But if you're a "professional working musician" and can't learn by ear, that's pretty bad.

I see what you're saying.



Can we get an example of your guitar skills?

I once played the whole intro to Smoke on the Water and only made 8 mistakes

Why would you possibly want to get rid of his Twitter? That’s an endless source of stupidity and loffs for this sub.

One and only time we would root for that useless piece of shit

This was my first thought as well. His twitter is sacred around these parts of you ask me. In fact, he should be verified in my opinion

He is verified in the court of public opinion. A verified spit drinking, cosplaying, libtard hunter

A card carrying racist but certainly NOT a pedophile

Don't worry. His kind don't stick to deals and conditions anyway.


The winner also gets to kiss me on the lips (I hope you win)

I'm throwing my hat into the ring.

I'm sure you could just kiss /u/Puppy_Action_Squad if you just asked nicely.

You should take u/Puppy_Action_Squad out to dinner first. Then, if you're feeling close to obsessed, maybe lean in for a little smooch.

Can I watch

One and only time this sub would root for that useless piece of shit

/u/Puppy_Action_Squad is /u/Single_Action_Army, we have another porcelain boys.

Different people, I'm Australian and either one of us doesn't have a pateron. I also can't play guitar to save my life.

I am working on a documentary to expose you.

I'll do anything I can to help you.

Where did you get such a cute name

He plays in cover bands and acts like he is the actual band. That’s the biggest prick move you could do.

I still support Legs Zeppelin.

im horrid at guitar even tho I been playing for almost 25 years. can I get involved ?

I've been playing for 23 years, and I should be MUCH better than I actually am.


We should start a band that only covers 2U songs.

a cumia tribute band ? sign me up! anyone have the tabs to 'Oh Dara' ?

Its 3 chords if that, you're not playing a very intricate musical piece

I've been playing for 2 years, and am much better than most grown men.

That’s a tough one man.

Be careful. Remember the last guitar challenge? The loser ended up a Jew in the nut house. Tread lightly.

It was so bad it made him jewish?

Yes. I lost the birth lottery, I'm just trying to warn others about the traps (((we))) set.

Challenge Joe in something he’s a real expert at. Like child spit drinking or peeling potatoes while pretending you jumped out of an aircraft over Normandy.

or dressing up

No, we need a better prize if you win but otherwise I'm all for making this a real thing. You do realize though that he sounds JUST LIKE ERIC, right?


I volunteer to judge this I classical guitar degree

I just picked up my guitar for first time in ages. I like the fact this sub is a multi-media operation:

Music, News, Documentaries, Podcasting, Investigative Journalism... & most of it focused on the demise of a few degenerates.

you just know that joe is legit afraid.

Joe's secret weapon, the pentatonic scale.


I've been playing guitar for 23 years and am not impressed at all with Joe's "soloing". It's as basic as it gets.


Not saying Jimi or Clapton are basic, because they created the riffs, but to copy them note for note, is fucking bland and boring.

And I challenge Daniel Ben Dovid to a Guitar Hero duel

I'll enhance the deal a little bit:

  • Each contestant gets a Fender Twin and DOD overdrive. That should be able to handle most contemporary boomer pop hits (which is the only thing Joe will play). Since we're only doing overdrive pedals, U2 songs are out.

  • The songs themselves CANNOT be generic noodles you hear every time you're in a Guitar Center/Sam Ash. The solo can still be pop, but it has to be deep-track pop or NON-pop star musician based (Yngwie Malmsteen, Satriani, King Crimson, etc.)

  • At the start of the contest; both contestants will flip a coin. Whoever wins the coin toss gets a beautiful Telecaster on loan from the Fender museum, sanded in all the right areas. The loser of the coin toss has to settle for a B.C. Rich/Washburn hybrid, with the highest gauge titanium Ernie Ball strings, with the action raised 1 1/2"-2 inches off the fretboard, with the humbuckers taken off and an "I'm A Fag" sticker on the body.

  • Also: The loser of the coin toss MUST play his entire solo in pitch-perfect pinch harmonics

  • The loser of the contest MUST SINCERELY APOLOGIZE for everything they've said in their entire history on the internet, and profess their admiration for r/opieandanthony, while admitting that it was more right than wrong.

  • The winner of the contest gets to use the other persons home studio, at their own discretion, for one month. Even if its just to take a giant shit in the middle of the room and never clean it.

Yngwie is an overrated, one trick pony, faggot.

I'm not saying to like any of these men; I'm just trying to add challenge to the contest.

I wasn't attacking you in any way brothaman. Sorry for the perceived hostility, let me buy you an ice cold grape Shandy sometime?

The solo can still be pop, but it has to be deep-track pop or NON-pop star musician based (Yngwie Malmsteen, Satriani, King Crimson, etc.)

They're not playing someone else's solo, they have to compose their own one over a backing track.

That's beautful.

Why do you think Joe reads tabs? He seems to be too old for them to be around when he was learning.

Also "no gay pedals", what kind of shitty rule is this? No distortion unless it's from turning a tube amp up to 10, distortion channels on modern amps are the same as having a built in pedal. Also lil reverb/delay should be acceptable, just a lil taste.

And 5 minutes of soloing? Fuck that! have 3 tracks of 1min 30 secs to 2min long.

Also this is gay as fuck.

Pedals are for faggots. Get a tweed deluxe, turn it all the fucking way up.

It's just like the movie Crossroads

I got a great big white boy by the name of Jack Butler

Can he use his DIGITECH...uhhh...Looper?

SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO if YOU lose will YOU STOP visiting the TERRORIST subscription sites reddit and imaguuuur?

And, Joe? If you lose, just remember this: fate is a dealer, but time is a healer.

You wouldn't follow through, would you?

Not if it required a modicum of effort, no

If you win, Joe must take his sorry ass back to hell. And also he will have to pay your rent.

Joe, I challenge you to a guitar duel

Do you even 'own' any bands though?

Yes. My tribute band, Backnickel. Half musicianship, half acting.

The dummy went down to Georgia?

He was looking for some child spit to steal

This is the most impressive display of Joe's guitar prowess I have seen.... can you hang?

a cumia tribute band ? sign me up! anyone have the tabs to 'Oh Dara' ?

Its 3 chords if that, you're not playing a very intricate musical piece

Not if it required a modicum of effort, no