Jim Norton and Sam Roberts were talking about Patrice yesterday.

1  2018-11-30 by suirogerg

Worm insinuated that Patrice “would have evolved” and the cackling child agreed. Were they implying Patrice would become a washed up hack prop comic?


Are you the same person you were ten years ago?

Only Anthony hasn't evolved.

Fair enough.

Sam's hoping to evolve into something closer resembling human before he dies.

Yes they were. "Evolved" is keyword for bowing and becoming a placating hack.

I would love to see Patrice smash Norton today with his red pants and sorority-girl social media presence.

Patrice would have shown them up for what hacks they are...

Patrice wouldn't "evolve" to be in a Spike Lee movie nor would he evolve to be on The Office. Jim is just trying to justify his own actions. If Patrice were still alive he'd be embarrassed for Jim and the rest of the pathetic phonies he used to call friends.

It's there way of trying to make believe he'd still respect them, even though they have lost all of their edge and now have the opinions of 48 year old Jewish moms.

I'd really like to see Patrice do the chip podcast and just not go with it at all.

Black Philip would be a puppet on Patrices lap by now