Yeah. He’d tell you what a wreck you have become.

1  2018-11-30 by RBuddCumia


Why does anth write like this? That weird phrasing is why his book read like garbage. Just say "he would be"


Because anthony fancies himself as an intellectual.

He dropped out of high school not once but twice. What do you expect?

Because 2018 is almost over

I love when some of the users here go so try-hard mode at trying to discredit the Cumia’s intelligence that they forget that they themselves are also morons.

What I like more is the saps who defend Cumia mistakes.

I'll admit I'm a dumb motherfucker but atleast I'm loyal and dutiful to my friends and family. This JC penny looking nigga has let down every single person that has ever given a shit about him because God forbid he expresses any real emotion.

2018 isn't over yet, and Patrice's voice is not just valuable for 1 year. You're as retarded as a Cumia.

A good writer always speaks in the present tense when possible. "Would be a great voice" is more dynamic than "he'd have been" but we're talking about a high school dropout suffering the effects of 40 years of heavy drinking.


There's no way Patrice would associate with Cumia today. He was loyal, but he had integrity.

He was also a convicted rapist.

Who isn't amirite

I wish I was

There’s still time, bud.

Lol at the reddit faggots downvoting this

He’s not telling me shit. He’s a pile of bones taking a permanent dirt nap for almost a decade.

As opposed to all those temporary dirt naps, you redundant boob?

After his father raped him in the yard he would hit him in the back of the head with a brick “dirt nap”

And then everyone clapped.

Shotgun toe attachment aids puddle Christopher Reeve cancer patient wig shitting in a bag.

Edginess is cool only when you're 14.

Didn’t he not go to Patrice’s funeral? He needed you that day

I believe he went but was drunk before the reception and refused to be a pallbearer when asked. Showed no respect to the family. Regular 🐜 shit.

Fuck he is a real piece of garbage. God damn dude thats so sad wtf. I can barely even make a joke about Ant not wanting to hurt his back, or that he was only asked cuz they needed 20 people.

Last time Ant was surrounded by 5 black men, he had to go Dirty Harry on their asses to diffuse the situation.

He probably went to the funeral dressed like Malcolm in the middle too.

Was Patrice that great? The few times I heard him on the show I tuned out. He was just loud and talked over everybody. They all did. It was pretty awful sometimes when they just rehashed the same old bullshit and cut each other down. ‘I wish it was a shotgun ‘... of coarse opie thought they were making comedy history every time with the same old group.

I don't know what you're here for, but if you haven't gone through the Patrice playlist a few times, you haven't experienced prime O&A.

man, Patrice was amazing, he was even funnier just bullshiting on the radio than he was doing standup.

Patrice was the best out of the comic guests on O&A. Maybe a close tie with Colin.
Agree or disagree with him, he'd always find a unique and funny point of view on things.
Don't think I don't realize how gay that sounds but its coming from the heart

You are a moron.

He was good, but he definitely was as much of a pontificating dummy as Norton, he was just louder and angrier about it. The way his career went, I think he’d have trouble sustaining his career. If he’d survived, I think he’d be our generation’s Paul Mooney, known but not as well known as he could have been if he hadn’t been so stupid/prideful about himself.

Patrice would not associate with nana anymore and if he did, he would tell him what an embarrassment he is

Patrice brought balance to the force. After he died everything went to hell.

Then he’d call him stupid at the end of every sentence. Hilarious!

Ant would've been a valuable pallbearer in 2011.