Joe Rogan, you have a chance to become a hero tomorrow

1  2018-11-29 by RelevantField

Dont fuck it up


It's possible he hits him a little bit. I'm not expecting him to direct Jamie to pull up the periscope. But I could see him not allowing Ant to avoid all responsibility and spin all his bullshit to him being a victim

A hero to villainous losers, though.

At MOST he'll try to get Anth to accept some responsibility for his firing, legal woes etc. Then Two-Shirts will accept an extremely limited amount of responsibility, while maintaining that his life is going great and nothing is wrong. Responsibility.

He won't ask anything uncomfortable. I guarantee it.


Retard Keith will be Anthony's handler. He will definitely make sure Anthony doesn't answer something edgy. I guarantee it. Shit I won't be surprised if Keith sits at the table with Anthony. He knows Rogan is the biggest exposure Ant will get and we all know Keith wants to think of himself as running a media empire. I wouldn't put it past him. But like I've said before, what do I know? I'm just a faggot.

A hero to dozens.

Seems like Jamie needs to know about this sub and ants past. So he can pull it up.

He sucks Anthony's cock constantly. The little midget homo will lob softballs while kissing AntH's ass and treating him like a "radio god."

I'd guess it'll mostly be a lot of "remember when" and old re-hashed war stories Rogan will pretend (or forget) he hasn't heard before.

"So you did coke with your mom?"

"That Patrice sure was something."

"You still talk to Norton?"

And if he hits him with a question he doesn't want to answer he'll do what he always does: repeat the question like he's pondering it with a stupid grin on his face.

Anthony's high levels of queerness will, in turn, lead to Joe admitting his own homosexual tendencies with Tony Hitchcliff. Then him and Nana will make out for two hours while Keith jerks off in the corner.

Dose him with Peyote .