Anthony admits to dealing cocaine back in the 80's with his brother, despite both of them looking down on black people for supposedly all being criminals and drug users

1  2018-11-29 by DachauComedyNight


I felt I should go find this after the tweet on the front page where Joe judges a person for using cocaine, and stereotyping black mothers as cocaine users, despite the fact that he personally did cocaine, sold cocaine, and did cocaine with his own mother.

Anthony admits to smoking cocaine with Joe and his mother - - Anthony explains how to make freebase cocaine - Anthony admits to having dabbled in meth during the 80's

Complete history of Anthony Cumia

That dude immediately called him out on his lie

That part about the guy picking up pretzel salt thinking it's coke must universal. I know a guy who spent all night once sweeping the floor looking for just another speck of meth.

I knew a guy who tried smoking an old tooth of his he foud while fiending.

The tweets of the Joes Cumia and Currie are a stark example of what freebase cocaine does to the brain.

Shut up pussy. Get off Reddit. Stop posting useless shit literally nobody cares about. I hate you more than my own asshole hair. Your mother thinks your obnoxious. You’re a waste of a human life, congratulations you fuck.