Nana's LA book tour is a complete bust. The book is falling further and further into obscurity.

1  2018-11-29 by rob7788


This Is Obscurity.

Those who can do; those who can't snark on Reddit.


Well, Ant needed two ghostwriters, soooo.... I guess he can't, either?

He couldn't finish high school, make it as a filmmaker, make it as a singer, was a terrible, lazy and criminal HVAC installer who stole tools from his worksite, couldn't make it as a media mogul, couldn't make it as a podcast host, couldn't make it as an author.

Only thing he ever succeeded at he had handed to him by Opie.

next time you post in here, make sure you have the exact same opinion than everyone else, make sure you're a fucking sheep if you don't want any downvotes

Number 3 in a book category about a dead medium is something he should brag about. It wouldn't make him look like an even bigger loser or anything

What’s 1 and 2?

probably charlamange the blotchy n word

bought good reviews? its such bullshit they delete reviews

All the reviews that said it was a well written book don’t have reading comprehension skills past 4th grade.

I had a long review on there, giving it one star, it was up for an hour and then taken down.

I had a one star that I thought seemed legitimate enough, no goofy shit. Amazon emailed saying if I leave another review "outside their guidelines" they'll stop letting me leave reviews. Lol never had a review deleted before I don't think. Faggots.

Same. My review covered the book (or what I skimmed through of it on that odf that was posted on twitter) and I said it was just old boring stories and poorly written ones.

Then i said the book was supposed to be a tell all but he never mentions his affair with Sue Lightning, his friendship with Kurt Love, his lust for his cousin, the accusations against him of date rape and child molestation or him begging Opie to join his failing compound media.

It was up for about an hour and then taken down.

I listened to the Carolla interview and most of the Diaz one and didn't hear him mention the book once.

Thank you for your service. Now I don’t have to listen to either.

"pizza roooooooollllss" Nana falling in obscurity.

This is what happened when I tried to post a review- Sorry, we are unable to accept reviews for this product. This product has limitations on submitting reviews. There can be a number of reasons for this, including unusual reviewing activity.

unusual reviewing activity.

there were about 20 reviews & I don't think he'd sold that many.

Thank God, I was worried it was going to be a #1 best seller and take the world by storm.

That book total is probably pretty close to the number of actual Compound Media subscribers too.

It's a poorly-written book about a boring asshole with a shitty title and a downright frightening cover that's being marketed almost exclusively to the author's friends and family. It's almost as if it was his entry in the "how few books can you sell?" contest.

Book Bombs away.

All the reviews that said it was a well written book don’t have reading comprehension skills past 4th grade.