FACT: Opie fucked Ariana Grande after she dumped Pete Davidson

1  2018-11-29 by RelevantField


I heard that too.


well, that settles it

now it's a double fact. please update OP.

She has a hairy butthole

I heard her butthole looks like Pete Davidsons eye.

Be more funny

Sometimes this gets upvotes, sometimes it gets downvotes. You are a bunch of fickle faggots.

I ALWAYS hated talk about celebrities unreated to O&A, especially faggy/insignificant ones. I've never even seen this Pete once on anything and I only vaguely recognize that mexican 12 year old. You fucking suck doing that hairy butthole line, it's been beaten to death, go post on r/celebs you unfunny gossip queen

Your opinion is really important to me

Go read E!

Do they reveal the hairy buttholes of my favorite celebrities? Sign me up!

Are you still trying to be funny?

Do you still think I give a fuck what you think?

Yes I do think you care, you tried to deploy damage control after you bombed and you are still trying to be funny, you certainly do give a fuck what people think of here otherwise you wouldn't cry when people downvote your inane comments

Damage control? You’re fucking stupid.

I'm stupid? I'm not the one that thinks typing 'hairy butthole' is funny. Maybe kindergarten humor is more on your level. Here's a cracker for you: THE HAIRY BUTTHOLE HAS POO POO ON IT EVERYONE LAUGH

I do think it’s funny. I guess I have kindergarten humor. Boo fucking hoo.


Whatever you say dude. Your Mom has a hairy butthole.

Epic! XD

Are we done yet, Mr. Fucking Humor Police?

No i'm still laughing at 'hairy butthole', i'll tell you when i'm done laughing at that amazing piece of comedic genius. Keep quiet till i'm done

I know what you mean. It’s fucking hilarious. Especially when you picture that little slut’s hairy butthole. Why doesn’t she take care of that shit?

She looks about 12 in every single way; her facial features; her body. Fuck off Nana, I ain't got time for pedophiles and/or people who obsess over girls who look that young

Seems like you got plenty of time to harass people that think it’s funny that she has such a hairy butthole.

I woke up at 5am to work today and finished at 5pm; got tomorrow off work, the next 3 days in fact. You probably don't have a job at all. Nice try with the hate though

My job is cool so I don’t have to work 12 hours a fucking day and I can pass the time commenting on the hairy buttholes of pop star whores.

At least once or twice a year i'll go to a bar, usually with a female friend, with the sole intention of fucking someone new. I do lick buttholes on a regular basis, strange ones with no hesitation/remorse. Get a proper job and a sense of humor/perspective and maybe you'll lick a real butthole for once in your miserable life

You a fucking badass

I am compared to you




I heard her butthole looks like Pete Davidsons eye.

It does after the destroyer got through with it

I heard that star went supernova.

Opie FFFFFFFUCKED her and showed her his Oh-face.

His Ope-face

The evidence presented is undeniable.

Bullshit, the Opester is a committed family man who wouldn't dream of adultery. Not like that Cumia scumbag.

More lies from radio guys!

Is this true?

yup. I don't know why people are acting surprised as if Opie ever had a problem pulling premium trim.


Wow so this has been confirmed. Gee whiz.

Get it Ope!

The reason Grande even got together with Davidson was so that she could get a connection to Opie in the first place.

She's the Bobby Fischer of sexual checkers

It's also the first time she's ever had more than a mere clitoral orgasm.

She broke up with the limp dick to jump on a nice piece.

I heard he gave her multiple orgasms and dumped a grapefruit beer on her tits.

thank u, gregg

Arianda still hasn't denied it

I can personally say that this happened. She can't stop gushing about Opies hog, sources say.

She wanted to suck em.


I heard she got double teamed by the Stangel brothers.

Lynsi didn’t mind. “Let him have a taste.”

Opie fucked her while she was dating Pete.

Sometimes this gets upvotes, sometimes it gets downvotes. You are a bunch of fickle faggots.