Prediction: The money keeps on running out. Soon it's going to be only Ant and Bobo.

1  2018-11-29 by GayAdmanDonDraper


KFP is fucking PFG

I'm fuckin in, you're fuckin out!

Kenny saying “nice base tan” to the black couple at myrtle beach is one of the funniest quotes of the entire show

That's a bold statement z but that line is memorable

brother joe is Kenny p

N word please

Kenny Powers was a has-been, Brother Joe is a never-was.

And Big A.

Kenny Powers is Brad Pitt compared to Anth.

At least he had a "rise again", as short lived as it was

Stevie is like a smarter, more attractive Big A.

My favorite interaction from these two is in the first season when Kenny drunk drives, there's a blackout/accident, and Steve wakes up in the passenger seat. Fawkin hilarious every time.

It’s cheating if you predict things that are already basically true.

It's not a blouse, it's a muscle shirt.


Ant and Bobo would be a better show than Ant & Blandau.

Ant and Bobo.

in the end, it'll only be Bobo who stays loyal & respectful to Anth once the money runs out.
