By The Numbers: Jim Norton

1  2018-11-29 by StuntPeckah


The "genuinely funny before weight loss" category should just be part of "Colin Quinn's Persona". He has never once been funny without stealing from someone else. Remember they played the tape of his hacky standup before he met and could steal from guys like Colin? He was never funny.

No, Jim has definitely made me laugh. On the radio. When I gave a shit about listening. Long ago.

Right, but everything that made you laugh was just something he had stolen from Colin, or Patrice, or Burr or any of the funny comedians he hung out with.

His only unique premise was the tranny shit and AIDS shit and no one ever found that funny.

Well I'll be damned. Checks out.

I present g yogurt Liddy

Boardroom jimmy, mongoose, rants against trees and animals and rrrramone were all funny. As were his quips and various rants against callers


I'll have you know he was also inspired by an Uncle during his youth who gave him some of his best material

His disgusting house where even a smoke wouldn't let their dog sleep was kinda funny. it would have been much funnier if he developed some sort of serious illness from all the mould

Posts like this convince me you’re all just a bunch of hysterical former lover’s scorned, rather than honest critics (to the degree that there is such a thing). Coach Jimmy is one of the funniest off-the-cuff bits I’ve ever heard.

Completely agree on Coach Jimmy, that bit alone could have paved the way for Cum Town. “and maybe he can’t catch a pass, but he can catch a load...he can catch it hands, mouth, or asshole I’d like to see you do the same..”

Groundbreaking. Cum.

Even worse, Bob Kelly did to Jimmy what Jimmy did to Colin. Bob is like the 3rd Michael Keaton in Multiplicity, comedy-wise.

That fat fucking skintag of a man doesn't get near the abuse he deserves here. He's not funny. He's never been funny. He named his podcast after a Norton bit that made fun of him, because he couldn't think of anything on his own.

Fuck that fat thumb of a human being.

I saw him live a couple months ago and he crushed. Very funny crowd work

Bobby is (or was) funny to me. But by all means, keep calling him a fat whale until he loses the weight or (what will actually happen) dies.

I thought his “I broke my knee dude” bit was pretty funny

It was a recording of a guy getting hurt, that's a bit?

That’s the joke, stupid

I honestly could never differentiate Bob and Jimmy's voices when they were on the air together

But Colin is still hilarious after the weight loss and Jimmy isn’t so that doesn’t work.

You forgot "Otto and George's phrases"

XYZ looks like a Caligula bust!

colin was super fat and lost all the weight before norton decided to stop being a slob


Some stuff was unique and enjoyable, like when he would go off on an animal for 20 minutes.

Certain rants used to be entertaining, but going back and listening to any era of Jim makes me realize he’s just an uneducated, non aware dunce. I had enough of it when ant and Louis ck are talking about how a mule is a male donkey and female horse, and Jim went off genuinely thinking that’s impossible because a female horse is too tall and wouldn’t let a smaller animal fuck it.

Plus, knowing what we know now, those rants were obviously just a character.

How could we have been so wrong about a person?

I'm proud to say I'd never heard of him until I saw whatever episode of Louie he's in, looked up his comedy and couldn't stand the unfunny weasel. Although I'm ashamed to say that some of his interjections during O&A did make me breathe air out of my nose.

Some stuff was unique and enjoyable, like when he would go off on an animal for 20 minutes.

That was a Ron and Fez bit that he stole.

I listened to a show from 2013 recently and I'm pretty sure every single joke Jim made in that show was tagging one of Ant's jokes and making it worse. Ant would "HA HA HOLY SHIT" and Jim would laugh long and loud at his own joke. It disgusted me.

2013 was not exactly the golden age.

That's Jim's trademark, he can't start a funny conversation but he can sometimes make a quick witted remark in response to someone else's humour. He should've been on Whose Line is it Anyway with the rest of those lame fuckwits.

That's all I ever heard, too. Cunt, cum, molesting, etc. Fucking retard.

Where does the "slip in a puddle of AIDS" portion of his career fall under?

easy there maxwell

Colin needs to see this

He lurks here all the time.

Hi, Colin!

I’d add a little more to the “edgy tranny” slice and take it from the “tour names”, other than that I think the graph is pretty accurate

Nice chart, stupid.

Toe triggers? I don’t see toe triggers. Come on, man.

Your font is ENRAGING


2% of valley girl-style "ugh"

Hotels are grody (Courtyard Marriott excluded)

By the numbers....with NO NUMBERS!

Can't sneak anything by you, Mr. ShitComesOut!

Impersonations are way funnier when there's a straight man to bounce off of. That's why O&A aren't funny separately, but together they are.

In some alternate universe, Jim Norton and Anthony Cumia are a gay couple who host a comedy show in Vegas. Like Siegfried and Roy without the bestiality.

All of his characters are basically the same person in a different voice. Say something annoying, rinse, and repeat. Their depth mirror his personality.

Can you do a Chip pie chart that is 100% Jerky Boys? Thank you for your service.

The Jerky Boys never really touched on BBC fetishes so I granted Jim 1%.

Draw a circle, stupid

You forgot Otto's entire delivery and cadence.

Where's the slide dedicated to trying to Fuck his openers? This is very inaccurate

Majority of his openers are female. Not male.

Nice chart stupid

Where is the category for him stabbing his friends in the back and claiming he is the victim.

That's not a part of his "comedy"

That's his true personality

Where is the sliver he gets for drinking 3 Zimas in 1994 and passing out before Married with Children comes on?

someone needs to acknowledge his alcoholism and recovery. It's been a solid 30 years since he had those 3 wine coolers, show respect!

He did come up with changing letters comedy. E.g.

  • This tastes very fizzy.
  • if you replace the f with a j maybe.


you forgot aids.

"Genuinely funny" should be changed to "jerky boys"

Okay, THIS is actually clever and funny. A first for this sub.

He stole his mma shit from Bobby. You can look up the audio where hes in bewilderment of Bobby's mma knowledge


Nice act, stupid.

What about plagiarizing the Jerky Boys/pretending to be a retard?

You need to add insults about aids and any ad nausea variation of “I’d like to comb his hair with a shotgun”.

Fat jim is just as bad as current jim. I fucking hate his fake ass rants.

I'd bump Keith by 5 and deduct from funny before weight loss

He really is a contrived idiot.

Missing the 3% of R. Budd Dwyer.

Otto doesn't get enough credit. I think a good 25% of it comes from Otto's persona

he's admitted to stealing from otto like a thousand times in two decades, a few times to his face, but even after that otto still liked him, so i cut slack there at least.

remove it with a shotgun

should be shot


inventing "characters" to remove the burden of having to actually be funny

Also how dare that fucking worm attack vos for wanting to be the expert on addiction when he goes into his "serious" jim voice whenever he discusses sex or perversions like hes got the inside scoop