"Yeah, haha, I don't, uhhhh... I don't care. I don't. I don't even, like, really... I don't even acknowledge it anymore. Social media... I'm done. I'm done with it. It literally has, uhhh, no effect... no effect on my life, what-so-ever. I just, uhhh, haha, ignore it and play video games, haha."

1  2018-11-29 by GorramTimebomb


He needs a Xim Edge

People shit on this movie, but I find it pretty entertaining. It's a straight up comedy

What are you smoking? Looks like a frying pan and some eggs to me

Which one is this?


:kills Sam Roberts by shoving a radio mic through his deformed penis and out of the back of his fro:

Now that's a Freddy sequel I'd pay money to see.

Ohhh so thats why they made freddie a pedo in the remake.

One , two Anthony Kumier is coming for you