Big Amy has gone into the tent making business

1  2018-11-29 by barlowqt


I can't even fathom what a size 40 would look like. Surely there's an upper limit to plus sizes?

It just turns into bed sheets at some point.

You could parachute out of a plane with it.

Like a fumigation tent for your house.

Ever seen Dumbo's mom?

Size 30 or that point just buy a tarp from Home Depot

I used to work at a dry cleaners, one of the biggest ladies I've ever seen was a size 36. She had to be well over 400 lbs. Her husband was similarly shaped/sized and was a 64.

You gotta feel for their kids, they never stood a chance

At that size it's a surprise they stood at all.

She was a little plump from the Jimmy Dean saw-sitch.

Please make tbese rags in a sweat shop in China.

Please try our Hindenburg line.

Oh the humanity


Big Amy is cornering the muu muu industry

Moo Moo

Please consider making a size 26? How about you consider losing weight? Please consider not being a land monster. Please consider discontinuing your burden on the healthcare system. I quit drinking 10 years ago to be healthier (and because I was making OUT OF CONTROL PRANK CALLS), I quit smoking two years ago, I make the time to eat right and it’s actually less expensive than eating junk food and garbage. Why don’t you grow up and stop demanding everyone else accommodates your disgusting behavior?

Typical mansplaining. Have you considered maybe she enjoys her body the way it is and not what society pressures her to be? Exercising and a moderate diet is not easy for women and an unreasonable expectation to put on them. Companies need to recognize this and not discriminate based on body size.

I couldn't agree more. Diet, exercise, being firm during salary negotiations, controlling emotions and not randomly crying, opening jars, being warm in an office (damn you Patriarchal air conditioning!), lifting anything over 20 pounds, and participating in the armed services are all harder for women and it would be unjust to not accommodate them.

Also women are completely equal to men.

What a cunt.

Amy Schumer announced she is coming out with an inclusive clothing line Le Cloud.

Le Gas Giant.

"Wahhh, you're clothes only go up 2 more sizes than most department stores, be more inclusive"

Bitch, go for a walk once in awhile and you wouldn't have to worry about that.

The more they feed these dummies (no pun intended), the worse things get.

"our clothes have a ton of give"

Might need to make it several tons of give

Good thing tons of them will be given to Goodwill.

Can we send her on a hike with Troy Quan?

You'll have to send her on a hike with a bulldozer to push her off that cliff.

That's the trap. You want to make a clothing line for large women? You better make sure you smile and respond to every single woman demanding more "inclusivity" or else you're just giving more evidence of what a fucking two faced failing actress you are.

Could you imagine being so fat clothes sold in stores wouldn't fit you and then having the nerve to publicly say they need to make bigger clothes for your fat ass lol?

Fat people are entitled cunts. In pretty much every situation they squeeze themselves into.

at people are entitled cunts. It's not just having the nerve, it's that combined with having no shame or introspection. If I was so fat I was breaking chairs and couldn't find clothes for me, I'd be ashamed and take the hint real quickly.

The porker responding is repulsive, but I love that woman-of-the-people Schumer is limited because her only option is to have her clothing line in Saks 5th Avenue. I bet K-Mart’s clothes go higher than size 26 you fucking snob.

Saks 5th Avenue

I love it when fatties shop at expensive chains and brag about their clothes. You're fat, why even bother? Anyone would fuck an attractive person in shit clothes over the reverse.

It should be like in kill la kill where the clothing activates and trains their life force. No one above size 24 should be allowed to even live