Are you guys familiar with NYC street massage frotteurist Luo Dong aka The Donger?

1  2018-11-29 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD


This guy's a legend. He straight up molests women in front of their families. It usually looks painful and they tell him to stop and he just doesn't.


I've enjoyed many of his pussy massages in the Dong Dungeon.

Hahahahahahah@“Dong Dungeon!

Yeah, for those not in the know: He lives in a basement apartment with his wife where he also gives these dubious treatments.

There was a few videos where dudes bring their chick to get their titties and twat rubbed. There also was some young hippie chick that kept coming back for "rubs." She 100% was getting off on it.

He’s a Pizza Hut delivery guy from Brooklyn who offers free 33rd Sky Police spiritual massage or whatever. 90% of his “patients” are women and probably 50% of them are sunbathers in Central Park, Union Square Park and various beaches. He often works his way down to massage their asses and he even blows his “chi” into various parts of their head and back. The comments for his videos are rarely disabled and the “community” there is rocking good time like this place. Fucking hilarious shit they say to this maniac. He even has a program now whereby he heals people’s physical ailments tbrough their computer screens.

Hey man

Glad to hear the job hunt is going well

Keep your head up

Sent out 3 resumes this morning, but with 2 years of salary in the bank, I’m not rushing into a job I don’t find agreeable.

Oh i feel you

I am looking for investors for my brilliant business idea if u wanna get in on it

Tinfoil hats?

Another black woman fallen victim to a pyramid scheme

He even has a program now whereby he heals people’s physical ailments through their computer screens.

Here he is healing DJ Khaled

Boys: Do this with your girl and you'll be able to do anything to them. Put in the time and it won't be reported as a crime as we say down our way.

Is this what the brothers refer to as a 'redbone'

that ass is straight up perfect


u/sams_seed, comment?

Someone showed me the one where he starts smearing the oil on the computer screen for his online healing. Fucking hilarious.

If you read through some of the comments trashing him on YouTube he'll go on a barely coherant rant about how he's helping people and is not sexual

It's a reverse cuck video.

Lmao at one point he’s just making her ass jiggle and staring at is. This yellow devil needs to be stopped. Or at least start doing this to his own women.

Hahahahahahah@“Dong Dungeon!

Yeah, for those not in the know: He lives in a basement apartment with his wife where he also gives these dubious treatments.