Enough about Zac Amico. He is fat, ugly, disgusting, and not funny

1  2018-11-29 by ForceableEntry

He has about the same wit as one of your better commenters on this shit hole of a half ass message board. He knows if he drops references he will get people on here like Red Bar tried.

He's just as much of an embarrassing faggot as Sam Roberts and they share similar fashion sense and taste in entertainment. Just because he tries to be an asshole on stage or podcasts doesn't mean you have to pretend to like him.


I've never heard of him, but if he's comparable to Sam Roberts, I've had enough of him too.

He’s a trust fund cunt whose dying to be unique, but never will be. He’s a phony.

And even worse than that, he’s Italian.

I hate tryhard black comedians like him.

Didn’t his parents pay like hundreds of thousands of dollars for some film school? They prob thought he was the next Michael Moore based on looks alone.

He’s funny sometimes (that’ll happen when you lie in wait for the perfect opening)

But all his wacky accoutrements makes me a no.

Exactly I've fooled people in real life intp thinking I have comedic timing just by not trying for a joke until I know it will kill..... its easy for fat third mics like Zac to do when you dont have to talk much

That’s called comedic timing, stupid.

He really showed appeasing this sub does nothing for your career. Especially when you are a weirdo and let Ari piss on you and stuff.

In other words, this sub provides as much benefit to one's career as Ari's piss.

He gets off some good lines and he definitely lurks on the sub so I'm a fan.

Hi zach! You look like a juggalo faggot

He has about the same wit as one of your better commenters

he wishes

Nobody brought him up

Every time I see what he looks like I’m infuriated. He’s also the douche who ended his set at Skankfest by stapling dollar bills to this forehead and nipples

There is some fat guy with a really funny haircut that I’m thinking of, he used to be in movies, I can’t remember this guys name but he reminds me of meatboy Amico - repulsive and unfunny.

crust punk faggit

I hate tryhard black comedians like him.

Didn’t his parents pay like hundreds of thousands of dollars for some film school? They prob thought he was the next Michael Moore based on looks alone.