There’s no way there wasn’t any experimentation going on. Look at Joe’s eyes.

1  2018-11-29 by RBuddCumia


He got the girl.

Awww...little Anthony is jealous he didn't get to wear the dress.

Now we know why the boys were sent to California

Anthony is looking at them, knowing what horrors Joe is going to unleash later in the basement...but he's helpless. He can't stop Joe from having his way with Dawn, and when it's all over Joe will turn his hungry eyes over to Anthony and there is nothing he can do to stop it. Ro will simply ignore it, Joe Sr. will encourage it, and Anth will suppress his horror and pretend everything is fine. HAHA HOOOLY SHIT!

This pic was taken when they were quarantined on Ellis Island.

Anthony is always stood slightly farther away. Like a ghost.

What a hideous family. Nice genes, stupid.

How can they ALL be the runt?

Dawn has a hairy butthole