The internet is gay place.

1  2018-11-29 by RBuddCumia


That’s drawing is lit

Lmao why is there no tear drops on the page

I wish there were blood stains

I'm also leaking pre

Bill Maher was right

I don't get it

modern medicine should have never been developed so people who draw stuff like this could die during childbirth

genocide is ok sometimes

so so so so I see they chose the WHITE spiderman as the one in mourning. Reddit is so racist, no wonder they spend all day pretending to hate national socialism.

Is this just a pic of spider man and spongebob? Or is there some kind of meaning or reference I’m missing?

It's a take (see also: rip off) on this picture that Disney released the day Jim Henson died.

The creator of Spongebob died today and Stan Lee died last week.

What are they, twelve?

wow a very old man with health issues being widely reported for the past year and another with a deadly disease both died? that really came out of no where

it is almost like God is playing a cruel trick on us

I hope JK Rowling dies tomorrow.

This drawing makes me glad their creators are dead.

Stan Lee molested Spongebob

I hate both spongebob and spider-man. spider-man is a whiny little bitch despite ridiculous means and spongbob provided a common interest for pedo's and 30 year old children to have with kids.

Nice theorizing, stupid

i'm just glad I upset so many fags here by shitting on their heroes

You really gave 'em the business.

Lol who ever downvoted you is a faggot

I like cool like walt disney and George lucas.

Fuck stan lee and sponge boob or whatever the fuck

lots of man-children unwilling to defend themselves openly

Spiderman is at least entertaining. Whether they're good movies or not, it's still kinda cool to watch the CGI scenes.

Spongebob is literally retarded, as a concept, character, and cartoon. Anyone who liked it was either a child at the time or wanted to still be one. I've rewatched old episodes of Rocko's Modern Life which seems equally retarded but the social commentary still holds up. Spongebob is about how to be an autistic fry cook.

Rocko’s Modern Life was actually good though.

what kind of faggot takes time out if their day to draw this homosexuality?

Grown men without kids, that watch children's movies/cartoons are mentally ill.

right in the feels

Reddit loves spiderman because he represents a beta nerd faggot like them supernaturally infused with strength and confidence.

I can actually hear the Reddit upvotes.

Rocko’s Modern Life was actually good though.