Bro Joe is threatening violence.

1  2018-11-29 by SheddupFaggot


"Oh yeah Mister Tough Guy?!" I got nothing.

Being an internet tough guy is just another one of Joe Cumia's lame acts. He's a god damn senior citizen. He's not going to be breaking any jaws, just his own hips.

When he walks up to the book signing he looks like any other old man walking up somewhere. That old fart ain’t doing shit.

That fat old cunt would need a ventilator if he actually got into a fight.

Isnt illegal to fight old men his age? Its elderly abuse.

Anthony said the same thing on Malice. Does a lawyer give them talking points?

If so, they constantly veer off said talking points. I doubt a lawyer advised Joe to say he will "break noses and jaws".

When Brother Joe is left hungry he grabs that frying pan and delivers a beating to anyone unlucky enough to be in his home that his brother pays for.

Joe needs to shit the fuck up

Yeah tell that guy to shit the fuck up

Joe, you shouldn't have to worry about income. You could be drawing social security, if you had ever earned a paycheck.

Hey Joe, instead of whining like an asshole about people making things up about you, how about you provide an example? You never do. Not even in your safe spaces of Facebook and Twitter. You are a bloviating retard and you will never do anything about anyone here.

The only one who takes food out of your family's (not "families") mouth is you, both with your asinine (and public) social media posts and your utter refusal to get a fucking job. You are a coat tail-riding layabout.

Thanks mister, now Joe is going to be using "bloviating" and "asinine" every other word.

So, so, so you got somethin' against relaxin'???

He thinks he won a lawsuit against the sub and not a club owner on a technicality.

He got the girl

I seriously doubt samcro's feeding his family with gigs at the krusty krab

I hope his ugly faggot family starves to death.

On a national TV show he lied and said that his actual racist tweets were "pure fabrications." I guess he's not lying now though.

"you gots ta go. That's all I'm saying."

Hmmm... on the heels of his earlier threat of breaking noses and jaws this doesn't come off like a murder threat at all.

"...bits from when most of these clowns were still shutting their diapers..."

Fuck guys, he's not kidding around this time. Let's shut the sub down before anyone gets hurt.

Hard-Ass 1%er on a fake Harley with fake colors, you should be very careful Andrew. Might want to get Barnes & Noble security to keep an eye on your place for a few days.

I hope food gets taken out of your family's mouth until they starve to death, joe.

Fuck it. I’ve had it with this dumb fuck. I’m gonna break his nose and jaw. Watch me.


Fuck Joe.

He looks like a filthy gypsy too.

His threat is to break Kuhn's nose? Really?

80% of this sub could kick his flabby ass

Someone is coming unglued.

"my families"

What a fucking dope.

Joe hates when they shut their diapers

Nothing worse than when you see old dudes his shape trying to throw punches. They go for that straight - power from the elbow - girly axe punches because their hips are fucked.

He'd sooner break his own hand. Low testosterone old lady bone density faggot.

We should lash out M on him, he'll make him regret that he was born

Noses and jaws? Fawwwwwwk