Anthony "Targeted harassment is bad when it happens to me" Cumia" openly laughs while reading threats of rape that were sent to another radio host by pests they incited to do so

1  2018-11-28 by DachauComedyNight


That stupid cartoon picture of Sam boils my piss.


It reminds me of that black kid anime show Boondocks but inauthentic and stupid.

Both are enraging to me. Sam’s eyes I mean.

I like the original better, though it doesn't quite capture his strange ape nose.

Just like our old pal Bill Cosby, the worst part is the hypocrisy.

"Hey Pests, tell this woman you want to rape her."


To be fair, there's some difference between a day of harassment, and us harassing Anthony till he dies.

I don't know if you've heard but we're the type of folks who don't look around at their surroundings.

I don’t see any difference. Did Terry Clifford get it for just one day?

No, maybe a few times a year. It depends on how many times they talked about her during said year. We've been hammering Anthony on a daily basis for around 4 years now.

But only here. If he didnt come here then he wouldn't even know we do it.

Let's be real dude.

Ant continues to put out awful shows a just released a shit book. What’s your point?