This "babygirl" broke babyboy Norton's heart.

1  2018-11-28 by JustPooch


and his ribs.

This lady appears to have an unusually fat pussy.

So when jimmy would talk about loving "really meaty pussy", he actually meant big tranny cock?

Wait a minute. Are you saying this lovely Nordic queen is actually a man?

Nope just a woman with a dick who also has never and will never menstruate or give birth.

But can spill a hot load in a lady and father a child.

Norton misunderstood the meaning of cuck. Instead watching your wife get fucked by men. He get's fucked by men.

“I like myself with this girl, man.”

Even if he was talking about a woman with a snatch, that’s one of the gayest most pathetic ways I’ve ever heard a man talk about his romantic situation.

He meant to say "girlman"

The inaudible slash: "girl/man"

Please tell me that’s not an actual fucking quote

Those are the panties that he was intoxicated by the scent of

Broad shoulders , wide back , big elbows ...hmm To quote Hamlet ''Something is rotten in the state of Denmark''

The scent of those skidmark ridden panties is fucking intoxicating.

I came here to make a similar comment. To quote Elaine from Seinfeld "he's a guuuuuyyyyyyy!"

She has hindquarters of a horse

....and the cock of one, too.

They match her penis then.

2 minutes shy, ol' buddy ol' pal.

Jim Norton thinks this is marriage material

Thumbnail looks like a shit stain in the undies

Norton is a faggot

Someone lend me a token


The impostor is only 5'10" and smells like a girl.

I wonder how many of the sub would smash that.

I would

We get it, dude. You like Coca-cola.

He actually thought she was ugly, until she turned around and showed off that gigantic cock of hers.

Still hotter than anything I've fucked.

All the guys?

That Bitch! He’s already got a ring on her finger.