Men With Better Hair Than Anthony 69/420

1  2018-11-28 by SpaceCaseBassFace


Looks good Randy... looks... tough

Seen some things...

Jim Jeffries lookin bad ass.

I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking of this first



Randy Bobandy!

I had a chance to see the leahy and Randy show at a dive by in my city and I passed it up. Now Jim is dead and Randy is wallowing in a cheeseburger hell without his lover. FML

You should have hauled in the jib before it got covered in shit!

Why didn't Anthony just take his savings and go be the 2nd richest guy in Montana?

Phil Jackson lives in Montana, among a shitload of other actual celebrities. That's not even counting the rich as ranchers in that state. Anthony would be the same white trash there

Piss driblets, sir!

He does not look tough, he looks FUCKED.

Gnome sayin!

It's a bit saddening that Ant will have to suck dick for cheeseburgers himself soon. He seems to frail for that Smokey lifestyle.

A nana has to be fed

Are you a fucking mongoloid?

Nice stupid, stupid.

Reminder: Bert Krischer ripped off Bobandy's no shirt gimmick.

frig off, ope

Phil Jackson lives in Montana, among a shitload of other actual celebrities. That's not even counting the rich as ranchers in that state. Anthony would be the same white trash there