Ron is trying to get fez to do a podcast with him

1  2018-11-28 by Dennyislife

We don't deserve anything nice.


Ron likes to constantly lie on air and make up shit because he thinks it makes him a carnie, and everyone listening is a "rube".

He did play KtC. Remember this gem: text from KtC to LOS for coming on the show.

"Get prepared. Get fucking ready".

No show Ron.

I think youre right. Ron is just stirring up rumors.

Don't ever forget when he announced the Ron & Fez show will be ending on April 1.

Typical ham and egger response

Bunch of fucking gullible ass hayseeds in here.

These rubios need to get on the trolley

Says who?


I'm sure you'll be able to find a link to this new podcast on Ron's blog.

If they did it independently of sirius maybe ESD could be part of it.

Wouldn't be the same. Dave thinks he's above a stunt boy now, which he obviously isn't.

Towards the end of Dave's run, Fez got quiet and Dave passively demeaned him in studio every day. This led from Dave being a silly punching bag to him and Ron talking about arts and culture until our ears bled.

I'd love to go back to the old days of Ron, Fez, Dave, and Earl. I just don't think it'd ever happen.

Ron really likes Dave though, and i think Fez disliking Dave was a funny dynamic, but maybe you're right.

What is for certain is that Dave is definitely never coming back to sirius, after all the death threats.

how? they need to be in a room together not an isdn. Fez doesn't want to be in NY.

Mebbe they could do it on that there talkin box?

Can't even get those equipment into the city too

Ron & Fez should have mornings on Sirius not Fag & Turd.


Oh shit I remember this bit, can't remember any context at all from it (maybe it was a Jocktober sketch?) but I definitely remember some radio announcer going "TURD?! TURD!?" and the boyz laughing at it.

I'm pretty sure that was Mancow, wasn't it? It was after his faggy stunt boy Turd pretended to crash a car into a wall or something. Fuck it was awesome.

Yes I believe you are correct.

If anything happens to him Cow, I’ll kill you

It's under "man cow memories" when searching YouTube. That and the Yakov dinner adventure compilations I listen to at least once a month. Mancow was always great to hate from Stern saying he would have sex with his dead father to the "clean off your boss's desk day" bit on O&A

Yeah and the sound effect came from the studio rather than over the phone. What a bunch of morons.

Also the phone hangs up during the impact and you can still hear the crash noise after the dial tone LOL

we know.


You don’t think Fag and Turd do a good show? Yehehehehehe

Continued success.

thats cool they can call it the Ron & Fez show

Maybe jazz it up a bit and go with the Fez and Ron show. Give the Big Cat top billing for once.

Ron is an emotional faggot. They sat there crying about an Elton Jon video, and enough with the fucking baby. Can his daughter not work I few hours with the damn baby? I don’t know what Ron used to be but he is a big hormonal granny now.

There is no baby. It's a work. There's not even a daughter.


These rubios need to get on the trolley


Also the phone hangs up during the impact and you can still hear the crash noise after the dial tone LOL