Targeted harassment is no just having fun

1  2018-11-28 by SheddupFaggot


Andrew is a serious cuck.

Leonard at McDonalds would disagree. They were using their show to have a negative affect on people’s lives.

They were fucking with this livelihood.

This isnt even one they can say "oh it was the pests... blah blah blah"

I can't believe someone with a Garfield profile pic would be such a quisling faggot.


Fine, jizzling.

I wasn't saying it's not suitable, I just want to know what it means.

Check out Mr vocabulary over here.

"We never took it from the show to real life"

This is demonstrably false.

Are you kidding?!?!? Repeatedly saying that John and Jeff were traveling to Thailand to fuck 13 year old prostitutes happened in Make Believe, not "real life"!!!

He "pretend" sprayed Windex in Bobos face and "pretend" slapped him

Remind me why they got fired from WAAF?

"It was hard," Alana says. "There were a couple of times I was bawling my eyes out, because, I mean, it just hurt. I would be bawling and then we'd have to quick go on the air, and I'd, like, quick blow my nose, dry my tears and suck it up and get on the air!" Remember, she's the one on the billboard with the devil horns, too.

"My youngest daughter has Down Syndrome," Randy says. "And one of their fans said, 'Your retarded kid is the reason I support Planned Parenthood.' " Alana felt the brunt of the brutality. Opie and Anthony picked on her weight. Their listeners made awful sexual comments.

"I am still getting some emails," she says. "Like, I'll open it, and it will say, 'Alana, I want to rape you.' Or, sometimes, it says, 'Hey, c-word, I want to rape you!' There's lots of raping going on in the email."

That’s horrible

Raping in the emails?

Forced inbox

Opie and Anthony sent those emails? I thought it was just the listeners taking it upon themselves. Well then, O&A are a couple of big old jerks, if you ask me.

O&A would have laughed their ass off reading this on the show.

They literally read it out loud and laughed about it.

There's a reason that Jocktober only lasted a month at a time

Because it was incredibly repetitive?

Didn’t his fans try to get Joe Derosa dates pulled and give his cd a 1/5 rating on Amazon?

He never explains what he means by targeted harresement. Was jocktober not targeted harresement?

It's what happens when one doesn't actually create a valid argument with fact checking and sources, rather they go with what they feel like at the given moment.

They can’t explain because people will use those examples against them. If faggot Joe claims harassing them on Twitter is targeted harassment, people will bring up jocktober. So they know they gotta be vague in order to not look retarded, which they are failing at doing anyhow.

Braunheiser's mom, that's all I'm saying.

I bet he told her about all the Porsalin shit here and she said " oh that's such a shame, he's such a good boy " and gave them both hugs and cookies and milk.


If there ever was a matriarch for this sub, it is her. She has all the things Ant hasn't but wants:

Clean record✔ Loving family✔ Possible gun permit✔ Respect of fans✔ No banning✔ Nice home✔

You forgot love and basic human respect from others

They absolutely took things to real life. The assault on the media got that one guy fired is an example.

And they bullied that dude from The Mask about his name until he killed himself.

Richard Jeni.

It's not a valid point and even if it were, that's not a distinction we're under any obligation to make and stop at.

Blowing out the ear drums of a reporter....

Steve the Whistler, Dave Douglas, Arthur Chi’en, the outgoing music DJs @ WNEW. Other autists can pick up where I left off.

Having your fan base post horrific stuff until it shuts someone’s social media down is not effecting their life?

Don’t be too harsh on this fella: the Cumia’s are known for doxxing Panera Bread employees and bringing fat men to suicide. They hate how anonymous we get to be, and they see constructive criticism - no matter how small - as targeted harassment. Who can blame him if he’s trying to save himself from being doxxed by a pedophile and a man who touches himself while producing that pedophiles show? Plus I was following this last night: apparently the Garfield guy posted about Big Apple Ranch before taking it down. Fag move, but that also could’ve opened the floodgates for Ant’s cop connections to ruin the mans life. It’s obviously a Pick Your Poison scenario when you’re dealing with the Cumia brothers in any capacity, so maybe he’s doing damage control. And the Garfield guy does seem to be saying “agree to disagree”; he’s not walking back his comments. Probably bailing out before it gets too hot for him? I’m surprised any one of us would bother using their personal fb to fuck with them. I work insurance; I wouldn’t use my own fucking page to play around with these maniacs, considering how much they try to doxx people irl.

Nana herself got hot under the collar and responded, right before doing Rogan. The sub has an effect on their lives and it shows. That’s all that matters.

This guy fears the SAMCRO reaper.

Words hurt - Anthony Cumia

Only faggots are called Andrew.

Guess that cake stomped on itself, faggot?

"Hey Lana, i want to rape you"

A message sent to someone they mocked for jocktober. The message was read aloud on O&A and Ant laughed out loud.