Self-important comic talk

1  2018-11-28 by goldstandard32


"It's an international movement"

Sounds more like the joe rogan POTcast to me

I'm too much of a civilian for this high brow talk.

we all are, step back CIVILLIANS

Attell belongs in the Smithsonian for his midget jokes alone. A national treasure.

Ross can get hit by a bus on his way to an early bird special. Letting that schmaltzy prick into show biz was the worst decision (((they))) ever made.

Ross’s real name was Jeff Shitzberg or something.

National treasure. nice faggy phrase, stupid.

it was, Heeby Kikeberger I believe. Of the Auschwitz, Kikebergers.

I like Dave a lot. He’s starting to look more and more like an A. Wyatt Mann drawing of a jew though as he gets old. Lol.

Absolutely,you've nailed it

Jeff Schliztmaltliquor

he has a bald head now, I can relate to him on some level

It’s a good thing then that Attell and Ross didn’t engage in it. They just sat back for 3 hours and watched Rogan repeat the same tired ass comedy craft crap. Hey Rogan, you’ve got two of the greatest comedians on your show, how about shutting the fuck about your opinions and just asking questions and letting your guests talk? And Chrissakes Joe go with the god damn joke once in a fucking while. He trampled Attell’s jokes a handful of times because he takes everything so fucking literally. He’s just not naturally funny. He has that faggy womanly nerd instinct that always want to redirect a joke into a well, actually, did you know that broscience philosopher historian horseshit lecture.

I love attell, but i caught this half way through live and it was entirely masturbatory, the craft " I saw kinneson whenever" who gives a fuck, be more funny.

Ill probably still re-listen, dave is great.

We really need those icecaps to melt and get those water levels rising. There's absolutely no excuse for this self indulgent crap.

Dick jokes is art too.

Self important comic talk is good when it’s funny. Dave Attell is funny so it’s ok. Self important comic talk is not ok when it’s not funny so whenever it’s just Rogan and one of his shitty comic friends like Ari, it’s bad.

"People with soulless shitty regular jobs just don't understand how much fun comedy is maaaaannnn!"

One of many many reasons I love Colin is his abject refusal to even appear on most podcasts because he hates self-important comic talk as much as we do.