Unpopular opinion: I want Anthony to rise again

1  2018-11-28 by schmuckOnWheels

Sure he is a mildly racist, addled old alcoholic queen, but he has given us all laughs over the years. I would not get any pleasure out of seeing him destitute. I just don't find him hateable as I do Jim or Sam...I almost feel sorry for him. Hope that doesn't make me gay.


Yep you’re a faggot

Thanks for confirming what I have long feared.

He got lost somewhere along the way

Death to the Cumia, long live the brotherman

I want him to rise again, just so that he can fall again.

Mildy racist? He's a complete racist, and you also conveniently gloss over his most glaring character trait of grooming preteen girls. Also, also, he's a giant hypocrite who espouses conservative values while his behavior makes even the most degenerate nigger look like Mel Gibson in comparison.

Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok so..

None of this is recent information though.

I know we like to have fun on the sub but has the child grooming thing ever actually been verified as true? We have all heard supposedly buying iPads, dming girls about wanting to talk to them about stuff and maybe kissing them, etc etc. But is any of that actually true?


I’d like him to become a moderate success again just so we can really put the career sabotage into overdrive and bring him down for our personal amusement.

He won’t though. He’s old, ugly, has no charisma, isn’t funny, and he’s racist but not in the charming old man way either.

You feel sorry for a pedophile.

Alleged pedophile

He tried to have you silenced for 5k

Explain how he's only mildly racist, fucko.

Based on what we have heard and seen, he just doesn't particularly care for the blacks. It's not like he's out there burning crosses and being violent against people.

You're a delusional faggot.

I'm not delusional.

Seriously though, you don't think Ant is obsessed with blacks and his hatred of him?

Obsessed, no. I think he is concerned more than he should be though. 99% of the time he is in his shitty compound in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood. I don't think he hates blacks but rather likes to point out their shortcomings.

He's obsessed, it's simple.

It would be somewhat rewarding for me as a viewer if there was some kind of ironic ending where the worst people all redeem themselves and the best all die instantly.

Honestly he doesn’t deserve your esteem. He has nothing but contempt for his (former) fans. He has made it clear that he only values ballwashers.

If you’re someone who genuinely likes Cumia, but you criticize him in any way, then you’re dead to him.

This is my honest advice to any Cumia fans: Please don’t lend your support to a dude who can’t handle being told “hey maybe you should do this differently” without throwing a tantrum and retreating to his inner circle of sycophants. Someone like that doesn’t deserve you as a fan.

Not gay, just gullible. Anthony actively hates everyone here and has tried many times to ruin the lives of various people. Sam has zero talent and Jim is a worm but neither of them ever tried to fuck with this place.

Also, beyond anything else he's done, I am 100 percent certain that Anthony is a pedophile. I don't know how you can feel sorry for him. He's literal scum. Jim has done some shady shit too, but there is a mountain of evidence against Cumia. The racism and alcoholism and even fucking with this sub, I don't care all that much. But Anthony wants to fuck children and that makes him the worst of anyone by a long shot. I don't know how you can possibly feel sorry for him on any level.

I care

Get fucked. I hate these stupid faggot millenial humor bots.

You're a delusional faggot.

Obsessed, no. I think he is concerned more than he should be though. 99% of the time he is in his shitty compound in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood. I don't think he hates blacks but rather likes to point out their shortcomings.