JOE CUMIA: Upvote this so it's the first result when people google JOE CUMIA

1  2018-11-28 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


another gem.

lets not forget, hes not a racist, so, big business, prep your contracts

Irrelevant, racists can enter contracts.

I dont mean to disrespect you, sir, but that was my point.

Archive link is here:

I love that this is Joe more or less saying that Anthony's twitter rant that got him fired is 100% about race and calling the woman a nigger. What a dunderhead.

its comedy gold. please, lets never get him banned. its a bottomless pit of stupidity.

I like how he said 'not apologizing'. No one gonna demand an apology because no one cares about what you think, you retard

I think most people's reactions to Joe would naturally be: awww look, its retarded.

It would be but this idiot has children he's undoubtedly mistreating.

Not to mention the spit harvesting masks he make them wear at night.. sad.

For his kids sake Joe needs a specially horrific car accident to occur.

It would honestly improve the lives of everyone who has ever come into contact with him.

An unfortunate mishap

So so so so calling black people niggers means I'm a white supremacist?

to be fair i think coloreds are animals and aryans are gods and also i think joe cumia should be dragged behind a truck

hashtag not all racists

And maybe kiss him behind the truck?


No mistaking the context of this one


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I re-read this about 8 times and still don't even understand the point he is trying make.

He hates niggers, you see

I mean, don't we all, but I'm sure there's a more elegant way to get that across

Agree, but it's just odd coming from Joe Cumia, a flagrant nigger himself

I find African-Americans deplorable in both appearance and demeanor

Y'know, for an example I mean

Basically he thinks a minor altercation between a stranger and his D-list celebrity brother is on par with the worst tragedies in American history

D-list? Very generous.

It really is. Even in their prime, O&A were never crazy huge. If Anthony walked down the street with someone like fucking Benjy, 9/10 people notice him first.

Did you see any of those things done by white people? Nope, didnt think so.

Ant being attacked by a black person is as bad as Pearl Harbor. Duh

Thanks for the lesson, Joe. Somehow I don't think "Anth Attcked=Nigger" is going to make it into the history books alongside pearl harbor and 9/11.

Night of the Non-Whites

well it DOES have its own chapter in Anthonys book, unlike pearl harbor and 9/11, two other traumatic events that shook the world in Anthonys lifetime.

These screen grabs are total fabricated on emmager

I wasn't going to bring up reddit...

Who Googles Joe?

fair point.

Joe Cumia

Excellent point, brotherman!

Stanford-Binet calibrators.

Jesus, what a draining fucking person. Will you shut up

I don't think you boomers understand how Google works

Hush. This works 100%. By this time tomorrow, all of Joe's Google-savvy friends at the Big Apple Ranch will know what a racist he is.

It makes me happy that there's so many documented case of being a racist idiot. Dude sucks lol

Everyday this sub reminds that Joe Cumia is the most painfully stupid man in existence.

I've seen people with legit developmental disorders who sound more intelligent than Joe.

interesting font

The only people that would ever Google Joe Cumia are already in this sub

Us and potential employers

Good one.

I hate him but he's not wrong.

Except 911 was planned by s different Mid East ethnic group. Hint they control your country.

7/1/14 Never Forget

i would like to laugh but the OP is basically an antifa poster so the humor in trolling gets subsumed in political faggotry, like over 50% of the shit in this sub at this point

Get the word out, most of these faggots if not all who harass Joe and Anthony are just antifa faggots trying to silence anyone who commits wrongthink.

I think at this point most people know it though they dont wan't to admit it or think of this sub/themselves that way

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A) not Atifa, you retard. Antifa are T_Donald-level losers.

B) who gives a shit what people's politics are?

C) you are a colossal faggot.

not Atifa, you retard

a faggot by any other name is still a faggot

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It’s easy to say what you want when you have absolutely nothing to lose.

Chinese knockoff Fender guitars, and least worth 189 dollars for all 16 of em

So on July 3rd 2014, Joe figured out who did 9/11/2001.

I like how he said 'not apologizing'. No one cares enough about you to demand an apology from you. Fucking idiot.

He’s just “spreading some positivity”

Emmmmmm. The holcaust White People

This fat fuck is up tweeting at 5:47am yet can’t get his child to school on time.

Joe is one of those people you can look at just once and know with a hundred percent certainty that they have never had an intelligent thought in their entire lives.

9/11= Israel + Saudi Arabia

they got their Iraq war out of the deal too

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9/11= Israel + Saudi Arabia


He's right though. This sub has been overridden with faggots.

Please tell us about the good old days that never existed here, whoever you are.

The problem is that Cumias=Nigger

Ya kiddin!


Not that I wouldn’t expect this of him, but it’s obviously fake for many logical reasons.

PS: Sorry for bringing logic to this sub, I know that’s against the rules.

how the hell does he get to keep his twitter account? i say the tamest political shit and im shit-canned in a heart beat.

Yeah because white people never do anything fucked up

Please tell us about the good old days that never existed here, whoever you are.

The problem is that Cumias=Nigger

Ya kiddin!

Get the word out, most of these faggots if not all who harass Joe and Anthony are just antifa faggots trying to silence anyone who commits wrongthink.

A) not Atifa, you retard. Antifa are T_Donald-level losers.

B) who gives a shit what people's politics are?

C) you are a colossal faggot.

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