Alpha Male

1  2018-11-27 by VigoTheCarpethian


Tony Two shirts and Ronnie three glasses.

Alpha whale

Fat tub of shit.

Looks like a million bucks

I love ron, but hes a million of something

Colin Fagherty repellent

Passive aggressively drove his partner of twenty years out of radio in order to get his lardass untalented daughter a job.

Not really alpha.

Jesus, are you still bitter you didn't get East Side Dave's job?

Not in radio field so was never interested.

Also, what job are you talking about? His 150 dollar week job working for a pedophile, woman beating racist or his 10 dollar an hour job at a Central Jersey CostCo?

I love Ronny, but tough talking fat guys are kinda laughable.

I don't understand how Ron's jowls formed into how they look. I mean yeah, sure, a couple of decades of drug abuse and alcoholism followed by a nonstop food binge that has lasted up until the present will inevitably cause some morphological changes. But still, I don't think I've ever seen a face as weirdly shaped as Ronnie's.

He's got a god given gift, but he is a strange looking little man. That's probably why he got into radio...

Ronnie Sweelington reporting in