Scoots Cumia

1  2018-11-27 by TammyHogfleisch


That is A LOT of soysauce.

"Get me the extra dark soy sauce Keith! Enough to drown a slope I tells ya!"

"Anthony, go easy on the soy sauce!"


God damn racist.

Just in time for the big press tour!

01:30 I was so disappointed he was able to stop it once he got it going. Hoped he couldn't and the second he got on the road was taken out by a semi driving 90 mph.

Of course they're in West Hollywood.

It's unbelievable how gay Anthony and Keith sound. Are they a couple?

Why are they in West Hollywood? Pretty sure none of these podcasts tape there. (Hint: rainbow flags)

hello sailor!

I hope nana doesn't fall and break her hip

I hope he does. Then he'd be dead in 6 months.

Why the fuck can’t he ever wear anything other than those two shirts!

He’s getting real fat, so he tries to hide it with the 11 year old button ups

The gut is huge, the biceps are puny. Double cover up.

Cock sucker

He might be hiding his colostomy bag.

No you can see her in the background a couple times.

His mob name is Tony 2-Shirts. He would lose respect of the family being Tony 1-Shirt.

He better hope a Tony 3-shirts doesn't show up!

Is there a Tony Four-Shirts? What would that be like?


I’m sure he started when he could actually legally carry a gun, which he can no longer do. The best way to conceal a handgun on your waist is to wear a second shirt like that.

That’s how ol’ Tony “Two shirts” Cumia began wearing two shirts. Plus he’s fat now.

He seems to be wearing Al Pacino elevator shoes.

I await the inevitable posting of this on another sub saying how they're proud of their gay grandfather for trying new things since his young lover died of AIDS, then immediately getting banned and coming here to gloat about their witty deception.

I was literally about to do that...


We're waiting.

Well, there is a rainbow flag in the background, so...

implying that wouldn't be hysterical?

He looks so vulnerable outside the compound

I was thinking that during the Malace interview. His eyes have that shrink wrapped lost look that happens to someone when they're dying.


Nana got that scooter at little or no cost to her!

He has to test it out before he starts gifting them to all the 13 year old girls with snapchat and Amazon wishlists.

Please for the love of God one of you artists do nana chasing a girl on his scooter.


Now nana can catch children ten times as fast!

Look at him so happy when he finally rides his scooter in West Hollywood!

Nana's comin' to town!

my 80 year old grandpa was hit by a car and was up in a month. Whats this saad bag"s excuse?

Does this idiot have no self awareness?

Good God. My 82 year old grandma would look less pathetic trying to ride this thing.

Usually it's sweet when elderly nanas are confused by the technology.

Here it's repulsive and pockmarked.

Repulsive pedophile, racist, pedophile.

Trying to get a DUI.

"How do I go? Heh, heh, heh, heh..."

You know everyone in Nana's crew is rolling their eyes at this pathetic old fossil.

The trick to dying your hair is to know when to quit or you end up looking like a ridiculous old fool. He's about 7 years past that point.

Stern's mess looks more natural and he's a holocaust survivor

A what survivor? Never heard of it.

Something to do with an insect prostitute.

"Rat has nothing better to do than..." Good one Keith.

As in their ex employee from three years ago?

As in their ex employee from three years ago?

we heard you, nigga.

Wait wait wait I got it,, my signal is getting JAMed, I will need to repeat it 😂😂😂

Looks like roofing tar on his head. Why not let it go a little grey so he doesn't look like he is in complete crisis ?

Same reason none of us want to admit.

We're getting older and we don't wanna.

Hunchback phantom of the opera

Hunchback phantom of the opera

Hunchback phantom of the opera

Hunchback phantom of the opera

Looks like a hunch back


Haha it said the other comment didn't post. Thx I'm autistic but not to that extent

Haha it said the other comment didn't post. Thx I'm autistic but not to that extent

He took it in the back too

What a Nervous Nana.

He's literally standing under a gay pride flag. Sidebar please.

two shirts and fresh soy sauce on his hair. he's ready for a night on the town!

The gag around the scooters is homeless people rub cum and shit on the handles at night as a gag so when dopes like Nana just grab on they get a nice hep-C experience. Maybe walk off a few of those rolls porky.



Those bums are so silly.

This prick just dyed his hair or what?

His hair looks like The Commodores' from Boardwalk Empire when he makes his comeback after the stroke.

8-year-old with reading glasses.

What a total finook

He's like Pauly with that dumb fake laugh.

He sounds like he's still coming off his Xanax/Bud Light buzz from his flight

Nice Super Man hair stupid.

this is missing a broken hip and a missed phonecall to a family that doesnt care anymore

This would be kind of adorable if it was anyone else.

Nana's getting an electric stair chair lift for Christmas so she doesn't hurt her back.

Freshly soy sauced hair just in time for the big press tour!

This makes Count Groomia seem mildly well-adjusted. Please remove it.

Lol Keith calls him tony 2 shirts

Nana says: Don't forget to wear two shirts for protection!


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The way he immediately reaches for his glasses to read his phone. Nana cleary needs a jitterbug. He's so old. 😆

His two shirts are the only things worn more often than Jimmy’s maroon pants.

Surprised he’s not completely surrounded by the paparazzi, even though he’s in Los Angels he will never leave Obscurity.

He looks like Creed when he dyed his hair with printer ink on the Office. Later skater!

this progeria kids got a bad wig

For the love of god, I will stop making fun of you if you just dress your age Gramps.

He looks so stupid and bar'd out in this

Tuck your readers into your shirt--you wouldn't want people thinking you're old.

I hope she has life alert.

All the childlike coaxing just for his feeble non-responses. Reminds me of my 87-year-old grandfather toward the end.

Trandpa is barely functioning

his voice sounds so queer.

Why would you share a video that makes you look like an old out of touch grandpa? Those fucking Bird scooters take five seconds to master.

No one gonna point out how under the influence he is? And how his gay voice is coming out. In West Hollywood. He's probably comfortable for once.

Also, I suspect that Nana's liver has packed in.

His gut is extending and he moves very gingerly.

What would happen if Nana only had one shirt to wear?

80 yrs old and not a strand of grey hair in his folice head, what's his secret???

Holy shit is he going bald on top or what.

speed nana

" Google how make scooter work? "

is it me or does he sound senile? Is he going already, just like his mother that he shunned?

Why does anyone want to be this old man's friend?

As in their ex employee from three years ago?


As in their ex employee from three years ago?


Those bums are so silly.