Fucking Joey opening up the podcast with police shooting black people and not taking the blue lives matter route, you can almost hear the aneurism Ant is having from biting his tongue.

1  2018-11-27 by HipboneJones


Is anthony on his show? Link?

Pair of fookin momos!! With Video

Lol, Keith "Keith the Cop" and Missy can't feign interest for more than 5 minutes.

Who listens to this shit

Obese stoners who “train BJJ”.

This describes me perfectly and I don't listen to this garbage

Lose some weight, fatty.

That's hurtful

It hurts less than your inevitable heart attack. Now get down and give me twenty!

ah..ha.ha.ha...kung fu....yeah....yeah they'll get ya...ah....ha..ahahaa (keith on the phone in the background) this is so painful to watch.

I watched the entire thing on in the background today because I had the day off work and Nana literally said nothing but HAHA HO LEY SHIT ad nauseum... what the fuck happened to him. So painful. I'm glad Diaz just talked over him whenever nana did try and talk the entire time at least that was funny

awful podcast but this part was good at least

This was so good, glad Diaz brought this up

Yea only highlight of the whole thing

That for submitting a visual post for an aural gag..


1:18 mark is where Ant starts ranting about “random nobodies” on the internet btw

He knows his own kind.


You have to so passed the point of a brain dead story to get through a show with Joey Diaz at the helm. My cousin is a jiu jitsu wannabe manlet who smokes more than anyone I know and I forced to listen to this stream of consciousness tall tales nonsense from an unintelligible fat man struggling to breathe whenever I get a ride from him. And I'm not allowed to talk over it. It's almost as painful as anything from CM.

Blue chicken wings dude lmao

Why are you assholes constantly promoting Nana's podcast appearances?

Joey Diaz is a schlubby turd.

A podcast full of liars

What a terrible name for a podcast.

If Anthony Cumia actually believes in his own politics, he would be siding against the police.

Lee syatt is a kike - Anthony Cumia 11/28/18

Two shirts, zero balls...unless he's tweeting, in which case he's Detective Callahan. If he'd just cut loose and go off he might be briefly entertaining again. But he just can't bring himself to cross that line and say goodbye to "credible show biz" forever.