Someone’s getting blocked

1  2018-11-27 by SheddupFaggot


Andrew is woke

We wuz kangz n sheeit

I laughed at Killakuhn's silly soundbar adventures. Am I a postmodernist now?

it was a windshield slapper

that's what we call the forehead of Qadan Trievel

Called. It's long rotted away by now.

Kudos to Randy too for trying to trip him up.

Andrew Clark good egg

Do you think Joe will reply?

Only one way to find out: Make that comment the most upvoted comment on that thread. That'll force Joe to react.

Of course, and you can rest assured it be both stupid and hilarious

He's consulting his thesaurus as we speak.

You mean googling what "Postmodernism" means

Breaking: Looks like Joe's answer was "but the question remains: Why? The fact that they’re truly clueless re: most everything, makes the subs very existence even more preposterous. A real waste of flesh and blood.. and time."


Looks like more was said since then. "Its not like they dont have a wealth of material and brand new public embarrassments to consistently work with from YOU and other people in the O&A universe". SHOTS FIRED

Can Andrew be the official biographer for this place?

The calvary's since arrived to defend the honor of the Childspit Brigade. Keep fighting the good fight, AC.

Damn that's some real dickriding. Who could do that for a human failure like brother Joe?

One defender: "And there are no knee-slappers any more unless you think the child molestation spit in the mouth and photoshopping Ant into racist memes and calling him a nigger are funny."


If he doesn't know why he is the stupidest pretend guinea ever.

Subscription site?

Joe is a real dope.

You must donate to our documentarian's Patreon to post here, dontchaknow?

could be talking about Redbar

Well you do subscribe to subs here. That's all I could make for a connection

Ok so so so so..... if someone slaps their knee.... that makes them funny????

That nigga just signed his own death warrant with Jax Cumia and the boys.

I think Andy is one of us and has had an account here on the DL


Ok so so so so so so so so so so so so so so

That "so so so so so so" shit is going to make me laugh forever

Joe will have no idea what to do with someone offering a well thought out intellectual counterpoint.

He would offer a cup of coffee and a 5min chat.


Doesn't a "subscription" require a transaction of some type? Did this retard hear this was a subreddit and think it was short for subscription? Please tell me this is what happened.

Andrew is half a fag. Either trash him or don't. Either defend the sub or don't. Don't walk back every statement.

Andrew is half a fag

Only his good half.

The self importance we give to Joe is so enfuriating but god damn the price is worth it.


Be better than Joe expects you to be, brotherman!

So so so you're saying enfuriating starts with an i?

What the fuck is he talking about "postmodern" get the fuck outta here. I will allow it only because I'm confident that Joe Cum will never understand what the word means.

It probably would fit the definition of post-modern, if you were homosexual enough to overthink this awful place.

Yes, he is correct, but a homosexual nonetheless.

Its literally the correct application of that word you troglodyte.

Is it?

you seem like a troubled soul. I hope you get enough congradulatory handshaking from your new leftist imaginary friends to hold-off the inevitable breakdown & mass shooting until you're too decrepit to do any damage.

Said the high school dropout, who doesn't know that it's 'ill-informed.'

Good old Randy Asher trying to bait him into saying it by name

suck your own dick much my god

I love how people on this sub believe that anyone of importance actually reads it!


Don't get me wrong, I do remember that Danny answered a thread once about 6 months ago.



I looked at your post history and you might be the most eclectic retard I've seen on this website.

Siamese cats, female genital mutilation, mens rights, nootropics ... there is nothing this renaissance faggot won't discuss.

Aww, thanks buddy!

I don't really use Reddit to make friends, but feel free to zap me your Whatsapp.

you're right...anyone of importance....its a good thing the majority of the O&A universe aren't important.

Andrew Clark, you wordy fuck...

Can someone keep up with this convo if it continues to grow? Too wordy for me, but I'm interested to see how hot under the collar Joe's gonna get.

Sounds like someone's mad that we found out about his Big Apple Ranch ventures.

Being tender with Joe there: We viciously MURDER that retard every single day and we’re very well-informed because almost everything set forth here is merely a comedic interpretation/recollection of public record.

Why would Joe talk about Compound Media that way?

Only one way to find out: Make that comment the most upvoted comment on that thread. That'll force Joe to react.

Of course, and you can rest assured it be both stupid and hilarious