"I own 5 bands. Set up, play, pack up, go home, GET PAID. EZ! Some musical clowns will never 'get it'".

1  2018-11-27 by TangerineReam

I hate Joe so much...


"All my music is originally written and performed by actual talent. I sit back and wait to see what pops and then select just the hits to play to my audience."

"I'm like a jukebox, but surly. Also racist and incompetent"

More like a korean karaoke bar where the music is just a bit off and the singing is horrendous.

Fuck you. Jukeboxes can't enter into contracts.

Ha! Racist ones can - that woman who Joe posted involuntary porn of said so!

Joe is a revenge porn author.

I wouldn't go using the word 'talent' with regards to u2

He's boasting about not even owning a brand, but a tribute to a brand. He's some twisted musical gollum.

I hope you are brand

This really is what some black teenager would put in their Instagram bio. What a dumb faggot

"It's half acting, half-musicianship."

The unwarranted arrogance of this utter fool deserves nothing less than a cinderblock upside his stupid bald pedophile head.

It's 80% lugging heavy amps and speakers. You're basically an underpaid furniture mover.

"set up, play, pack up, go home, get paid"....


This is pretty much exactly what EVERY other cover band does when they play a bar, with one minor exception. They get paid before going home. This dummy goes home then waits to be paid.

Joe's got it down pat, unlike literally every other band on earth. You see, other bands will play, go home, pack up, GET PAID, and then set up. Where they fuck up is in the order of things, which Joe gets right.

"....just like Eric!"

Sign a contract, go on people's court, embarrass myself in front of everyone, get paid, EZ

Brag about winning on The People's Court, see The People's Court episode and realize I'm retarded, call the judge a whore and post her nude pics on facebook.

I can never get over the fact that he won on the people's court but he was mad that the judge because she didn't allow him "to delve a little more deeply into the accusations of racism, misogyny, pedophilia, and everything else that goes on". It's a fake small claim's court case. Why the FUCK would he be given a soapbox to talk about this retarded shit that has no bearing on the outcome of the case?

How does one "own" a band, especially a band that doesn't play their own music. In fact, that music is owned by someone else. It's painful to think on Joe's level.

Once he got out of dealing drugs this was his path to go down the straight and narrow. His eureka moment was play someone else's music.

I own 5 cowboy hats.