This is the faggot hall monitor that over mods here: ToolMan.

1  2018-11-27 by KennethFresno2


Even the other mods don't like this bitch boi.

Guess they didn't need Ben's advice on home theater setups or Colts tickets.

Something something protecting the sub something something

what happened to braun and ccred or whatever? they were the only good ones

SpaceEdge dumped them because he said they were inactive.

Yamo is the last good one.

maybe i'm not active enough to see anything he's done, but that's a good thing compared to the others that nobody likes.

He didn't delete enough street shitters I guess.

he wouldn't have done that anyway. Wasn't his style, nor braun's

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but that's a good thing compared to the others that nobody likes.

I am behind the scenes, sir. Mostly approving threads and new users.

didn't mean to imply you weren't good, just hadn't noticed. thank you for your service.

I took no offense.

thank you for your service.

Don't be gay.

Yamo is the last good one


Thank you, sir.


Like the other mods testosterone

Porsalin basically doxxed braun then he vanished

We were de-modded due to "inactivity", which translates into about 6 months ago we got so frustrated constantly having to keep the mod team from pissing off a huge chunk of our users, trying to convince them to lay off that fuckin Regex automod bot that automatically shadow-hides any post or comment on this sub that has 1 or more of the dozens of prohibited topics that are on there mentioned (or... to be fair... last time i checked they were, which was probably 3+ months ago so that may have changed), Curating content and deleting posts that just "werent particularly funny in 1 mod's opinion", and a number of other policies. The only reason I wanted to me mod in the first place, was to ensure that absolutely zero (to the bare minimum) amount of modship actually occurs.

I said consistently that if theyre not breaking reddit-wide rules, then don't ban them. Its pointless anyways... if youve been obsessing over a radio show that has been dead for like 4 years, then odds are when you get banned, you dont go "oh i see, apologies all around, I guess i'll go find a new hobby then". No, they get vindictive, and they just come back under an alt and make it into a fucking game of trying to piss off the mods and get banned on purpose.

Anyhow, I've taken a bit of a break from reddit, so I hadn't done any mod action in literally 3+ months, seems a bit weird that it all of the sudden became a problem, but hopefully all goes well with how they want to run it

hopefully all goes well with how they want to run it

yea, i'm sure it'll be just fine. they clearly know the userbase really well.

all the mods here ever had to do was prevent the sub from getting banned, and leave the content the fuck alone regardless of feelings. but no, shadowbans galore for anyone who points out the obvious.

sorry to hear. online communities always get ruined by powertripping shit. take it easy brothaman.

it all of the sudden became a problem,

It wasn't a problem, it was just house cleaning.

we got so frustrated constantly having to keep the mod team from pissing off a huge chunk of our users, trying to convince them to lay off that fuckin Regex automod bot that automatically shadow-hides any post or comment on this sub that has 1 or more of the dozens of prohibited topics that are on there mentioned (or... to be fair... last time i checked they were, which was probably 3+ months ago so that may have changed), Curating content and deleting posts that just "werent particularly funny in 1 mod's opinion", and a number of other policies. The only reason I wanted to me mod in the first place, was to ensure that absolutely zero (to the bare minimum) amount of modship actually occurs.

This is why I de-modded myself a year and a half ago. Now I just argue behind the scenes.

In the inimitable words of joe "ghandi" cumia....look at this Soy boy libtard cuck

CCRed and braun most likely checked out rather than deal with his shit. they deleted braun/CCRed95 but they had quit all moderating many months ago

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Too bad you pieces of garbage ran off Porsalin....this is the perfect time for a documentary.

The only docs i need come from Americans named Beige anyways.

Nice eyebrow gap, stupid!

Exactly who I figured he was.

This is exactly what the sub needs: a moderator who doesn't like our collective sense of humor. Who appointed this guy?

Careful, you're gonna get banned for that user name. Also don't make references to rapists TJ Miller and John Oliver either ;) and famous street shitter Kumail.

i elect Scorch as head mod

I'm better looking than this guy.

Who isn’t?

He looks like Homer Simpson in the episode where he tries to hit 300 pounds so he can work from home.

Vast Waistband Salesman: “Many of our clients find pants confining, so we offer a range of alternatives for the ample gentleman: ponchos, muumuus, capes, jumpsuits, unisheets, muslin body rolls, academic and judicial robes.

”Homer: "I don't want to look like a weirdo. I'll just go with the muumuu."

Pretty sure I fucked her.

I fucked her 6 times, before you though


What a Tool, Man

More like fool man right gang

He has to own a torso fuck toy

its called the sidebar

If you would have told me this was some fat dyke I would have taken your word for it.

Rosie O'Donnell in Deleting Threads With my Sister

Who said it wasn't

Seems about right

I'd like to pin him down and slap his belly.

I thought you all said he was a dune coon?

Tool Man? No he's a fat Midwestern guy.

God I hope this is true.

It is. There's plenty more.

Pls dm me



I bet he gets laid a lot

I wonder how many children he has ruined the childhood of with his penis.

These are his golden years. The obesity and diabetes won’t make it any easier to get it up. He is an M&M away from humping a waifu pillow the rest of life. At least he can say he got to be a mod though. Faggot.

I think he is already fucking the waifu pillow and has been for years.


hahahahahahahaha, now this is some doxxing i can get behind

You know this guy is sitting in a dingy, mildew smelling basement. Surrounded by empty pizza boxes, two early 2000 era monitors, and Mountain Dew 2 liter bottles filled with piss. Honestly, I couldn’t think of a someone better for mod material.

I need a mod I can respect. Not this.

jesus christ..


Hahahahaha please be real. I always imagined some angry prick sitting in his dorm at 3 in the morning but this is way better.

It's him.

How do we know this?

I just got word that it has been confirmed.


If I were lying I'd tell you. honestly.

I got it from a guy that got it from another mod (or former mod). So this is pretty much 100% him.

Can confirm, 100%. Although not a great picture.

Guys, can we keep it?

Looks like a snowflake whose Mom still makes him microwavable pozza rolls at age 32, but has to slide them through a door port that was specially installed on his basement bedroom door to accomodate his hikkikomori lifestyle. If the power were to cut off suddenlybon his PS-4, he’d probably run around the house flapping his arms and wail like an injured seal.

It's what I imagine you get when two down syndrom pigs have incestuous sex

By tool he meant Chinese buffet

This is the only place on the planet I feel like I’m prime Mickey Rourke.

Wait wtf? I literally know this guy. Won't post his name but initials are BT.

Does it surprise you that he spends his free time using Masstagger to ban and mute people on an internet forum dedicated to a radio show that got cancelled 4 years ago?

It surprises me, but I can believe it, if that makes sense. It surprises me because he didn't strike me as the type of person to be an Opie & Anthony fan, but I guess he isn't if he's anti-humor.

The person you know looks like a fat man that never went through puberty. He's gross, tell him to wear a fake beard if he can't grow one because it's disgusting to see that fat face.

He looks like he enjoys writing science fiction

Let's just say he's the type of winner that'll wax poetic about the Weird Al VIP meet and greet experience. What a fucking dweeb.

...please tell me that that's real.

Question for those who have done VIP meet - in weirdal


It's very easily two hours post concert. A lot of people just want a quick handshake and photo. Others have a few words to day, it evens out. I think this time with the professional photographer things will run more smoothly than other recent tours where JW has to fiddle with everyone's individual phone.

why would a person who looks like this put their picture on the internet?

Peak performed

Mental illness

That is his best picture. Leave it alone.

Who hasn't been baited by the allure of a good hair day. Always be suspicious of a sudden feeling of self worth, your brain never takes into account that existential hangover that comes with feeling good.

Merrill Howard Kalin lookin' ass mothafucka

Looks like Francis from Pee Wee Herman’s Big Adventurer

looks like bobby moynihan from snl

At least he’s not a complete faggot and is letting the thread live.

But I wouldn’t blame him if he did delete this; holy fuck what an embarrassing slob you are.

Only reason it's not deleted is because fatsos having a jerk off fest to tranny porn between pizza roll bites.

I got banned a while back for posting one of his comments here about how he likes to watch NFL with female announcers (from another subreddit).

He called that doxxing and banned me. I brought it up to all of the available mods and they were "powerless" to do anything about my permanent ban. Not long later, the 2 best mods were gone.

I guarantee there will be a lot of permabans over this....might want to figure out a new place as a "hang". Whatever happens, this is the best Reddit post Ive ever seen. There's enough info here to make fat boy rue the day he permabanned my I like to look at how fucking fat he is and imagine how disappointed his father must be in him. It makes me laugh like Esther Ku until I cant breathe...then I laugh like Bert Kreischer.

likes to watch NFL with female announcers

Haha Holy Shit!!

What a fag.

He's definitely going to ban me since I posted his Facebook

Why flare your nostrils and make a half assed attempt at a smile when your eyes are as thoughtless and empty as your heart is?

So goes the life of someone who willingly agrees to clean up after other people's messes online.

Great deconstruction. Also notice his weirdly spaced eyebrows are upwards like he is showing his meekness, along with that cheeky half smile. Patrick Tomlinson lookin ass nigga.

that's a shame

I've always wondered what a cabbage patch kid would look like when they're older, thanks.

Nice nostrils, stupid.

Ahahaha oh sweet jesus, look at that moon face. Thomas the social justice engine.

He looks like what I've pictured every O&A fan ever.. a hairless fat cunt.

I want to jump on his back and steal his shell.

So after the massive fuck up insanity of the sidebar submissions, these asshole are still too lazy to paste an image url into their already written HTML code?

Litterally everyone accurately assumed it was not going to happen because of their known incompetence. They're starting to match my hatred of Joe Cumia and they hacdt about the same level of being useless, stupid, and lazy

he looks hot

Tool man so hot right now

His name is Ben Treanor

Bob Fitzgerald for pope

Is Sam Morril a mod too?

He's a fat fucking cow, who would have guessed?

A&W chubby chicken

/u/TheToolMan doesn’t even post here

Who in the fuck assigns moderators for this subreddit? A fucking reddit power user, really?

I want to pinch his cheeks, he is just precious

He looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome. Woof. Makes sense, though.

He looks like he's swallowed a lot of aggression.

He looks like a 40 year old who photoshop face swapped with a 5 year old.

SpaceEdge dumped them because he said they were inactive.

Yamo is the last good one.

How do we know this?

Porsalin basically doxxed braun then he vanished

We were de-modded due to "inactivity", which translates into about 6 months ago we got so frustrated constantly having to keep the mod team from pissing off a huge chunk of our users, trying to convince them to lay off that fuckin Regex automod bot that automatically shadow-hides any post or comment on this sub that has 1 or more of the dozens of prohibited topics that are on there mentioned (or... to be fair... last time i checked they were, which was probably 3+ months ago so that may have changed), Curating content and deleting posts that just "werent particularly funny in 1 mod's opinion", and a number of other policies. The only reason I wanted to me mod in the first place, was to ensure that absolutely zero (to the bare minimum) amount of modship actually occurs.

I said consistently that if theyre not breaking reddit-wide rules, then don't ban them. Its pointless anyways... if youve been obsessing over a radio show that has been dead for like 4 years, then odds are when you get banned, you dont go "oh i see, apologies all around, I guess i'll go find a new hobby then". No, they get vindictive, and they just come back under an alt and make it into a fucking game of trying to piss off the mods and get banned on purpose.

Anyhow, I've taken a bit of a break from reddit, so I hadn't done any mod action in literally 3+ months, seems a bit weird that it all of the sudden became a problem, but hopefully all goes well with how they want to run it