Cumia brothers break up

1  2018-11-27 by unclepaul84

What happens if Brother Joe and Nana have a falling out? Nana filing bankruptcy is inevitable and the relationship likely will turn sour when Joe no longer gets his allowance. If Joe starts bashing Nana on social media and blames him for hurting 2U's ability to get gigs that will put us in an awkward spot. My prediction would be an unlikely face turn by Joe and he would become the ironic hero of the sub. It would be a hilarious turn of events.


Now I want this to happen

We are talking about two emotional high school dropouts. We could easily expedite the process and turn them against each other.

I think this would be fun. The photo shops would be great

Siblings who bond over drug addictions, lying and taking advantage of women always end up turning on each other. If they did ever end up fighting these two queens would bring up every piece of dirty laundry they have on each other.

Joe: You fucked an 8 year old!

Anthony: So did you!

Joe: oh yeah!

Joe will buy Chinese guitars out of necessity instead of stupidity

in this business your friends become your enemies and your enemies well you know