How tiny is Dave Landbo?

1  2018-11-26 by ImDickJustice


Isn't Ant like 5'7 and Joe like 5'5?

i didnt know they stacked piles of shit that high

Well, whadda'we have here, a fucking comedian?!

Anthony is barely over 5'6" ( but his little area is made to look him look taller, so Landau and Rogan are extra dwarfy.

Classic pharmacist tactic.

Rogan looks so relaxed and ready to hangout with his coat and faggot kangol hat on.

Ill bet hes so chilled out being there he told his driver to keep the engine running

Keith probably cut out the heater in the studio around the time he eliminated free snacks

Considering he's surrounded by lime green thats probably drilling through his fucking skull he's not likely to be in a hang out mood.

feed mrs landau

Cumia doing Pacino.......... "hoohah got my lifts on, am so tall and my fake hair, great ass"

His 90s Alt hair and graphic t's are so terrible. He didn't grow up in a big city did he?

you should of screen cap the eyes landplow was giving rogaine . it was perverted

This guy is a wayyyyy bigger fag than sherrod