Lena Dunham Comes to Terms With Herself: "You have the most misshapen and diseased uterus I’ve seen in my entire career"

1  2018-11-26 by crookedmile


I want her to come to terms with oncoming traffic.

why are all jews collectively such foul creatures

Poster child for spoiled white privilege. What a fucking sick cunt. Hopefully she overdoses soon.


Half English, half jew. You people let Jews buy into the white class here into America.

They are missing an 'n'.

An incomplete list of things Dunham has been asked to apologize for: the nondiverse casting on Girls; casting Donald Glover as a black Republican boyfriend the season after she got in trouble for having an all-white cast; saying in an interview, “No one would be calling me a racist if they knew how badly I wanted to fuck Drake”; declaring herself “thin for, like, Detroit”; writing a New Yorker essay called “Dog or Jewish Boyfriend? A Quiz”; constantly being naked; tweeting a photo of herself wearing a scarf around her head like a hijab; accusing a Spanish magazine of airbrushing her photos (it did not); comparing Bill Cosby to the Holocaust; giving Horvath a brown baby at the end of Girls (and casting a baby that was Puerto Rican and Haitian, not half-Pakistani, as the script dictated); comparing the reading of negative Jezebel coverage to getting beaten in the face by an abusive husband; accusing NFL player Odell Beckham Jr. of not wanting to sleep with her; saying she disliked India because of the visible poverty; apologizing but never learning.

somewhere in there should be "repeatedly sexually abused sister" and "fabricated a rape."

What an exhausting fucking horrible piece of shit.

Not discounting the other stuff, but why does the race of a baby matter? It's hard enough to get a baby to act!


Nice not so humble brag with the veiw, you cunt.

She sent more photos, all with little captions and taken with Huji Cam, an app that makes everything look like it was snapped with a disposable camera in the ’90s

fuck you.

If she stopped eating so much, she could be a 4 1/2.

There is a God

Awwww, America didn't fall in love with and embrace the grotesque deviant twat. Poor her.

I wouldn't mind her if she wasn't so fucking self-righteous and obsessed with shallow beauty to go as far as trying to have "beauty" redefined to fit her disgusting fatbody. You are not beautiful. So what? Most people aren't. She really needs to have that certain great Eagles song on repeat.

Recently saw her in the seventh season of "American Horror Story". Expected her to ruin the episode, but she was pretty good in it. She's an alright actress and also can be funny.

When most of these Instagram and social media addicted bitches turn 40, they are going to start killing themselves an masse. Some may hang until they turn 50.