Is anyone else shadow banned on r/JoeRogan?

1  2018-11-26 by abstractbh

I tried to link the clip of Anthony saying he'd fuck 13 yr olds to see what the folks over there would think of it. My post didn't even touch the /new section. I think I may have posted a clip of Joe saying some weirdly gay stuff several months ago and I got some sort of ban as a result. Or they're just screening anything mentioning upcoming guests?


i ve been banned twice. once for posting something about joes hot mulatto step daughter the other time for trying to post the opie why joe why video

Lotta problems in that sub

I just posted a the YouTube like over there. Go and upvote my post to get the word out

I warned them about you fags brigading Rogan , trying to cancel the Cumia podcast. Suck it faggots

well considering there has been a post on the Rogan front page all day about Cumia beating Bobo with upvoted comments about him being a pedophile i'd say you... failed!

Yea upvotes most by you fags, you guys can’t do shit. Any will be on Rogan and others no matter what you losers do

he may even sell 4 more books! ha ha ho-lee-shit!

boy you sure did effectively stop the barrage of us calling out Ant for being a sad pedo on the JRE subreddit. lol nice job, faggot

he may even sell 4 more books! ha ha ho-lee-shit!

boy you sure did effectively stop the barrage of us calling out Ant for being a sad pedo on the JRE subreddit. lol nice job, faggot