Do you think the worm will cancel his chip show to go to Ozzy's birthday and be completely unnoticed there?

1  2018-11-26 by MrSztywny

I mean if he was to motherfuck his fans like this he would honestly tell us, right?


Who cares about ozzy and who gives a fuck about chip?!

Theyre just waiting for the day they can shut the door on the coffin he sleeps in.



I hope Ozzy dies on the same day Kelsey sends Jim a spiteful, humiliating image of her sucking her fiancé's dick.

And then later, the boss at Sirius fires Jim and tells him, "I know you won't sue us because you're too lazy and afraid to leave your apartment" and Jim thinks to himself "he's right."

And then he sees Louis CK on the street and Louis literally spits in his face.

And then there's a fire that destroys Jim's memorabilia.

My dick is hard.

You’re crazy, Jim begs to be sent things like that from Kelsey.


Security will notice him.

"Norton? N-O-R... I mean, I gotta be on the list..."