I hope Mary jean paid her taxes #thotaudit

1  2018-11-25 by thacount44



Mary Jean launders all her prostitute money through her nigger hair salon. She thinks she's smart, but don't try to rip off our great country, bitch. We all pay in. I hope they throw the book and the rope at this urinal mouthed whore.

We all pay in.

Well, most of those reading this do. Hi Joe!!!


My brother is a white supremacist.

I am [redacted] a pedophile.

dominicans are the lowest form of life biologists have observed in NYC so far

You may not see the Indians often, but you can smell them just about every where in NYC. The city smells like someone pissed and shit on every street and I don't think Dominicans are known for street shutting. They may eat rats and live in tin huts in their country, and they may beat women and then be the first to turn into one when they intentionally get locked up for a prison gaycation every few years. But they aren't Indians.

I know you're talking about dot indians, but I'm pretty sure most natives stink as well. I went camping in North Carolina as a kid with my uncle and near a rest stop, some injuns were dancing around for money and they smelled like urinal cakes. It was horrible. They seemed to hate white people too, but they had to do their stupid native dancing for money. It was pathetic.

They're disgusting, ugly island niggers. Loud, filthy, stupid, and breed like rats. They've taken over Rhode Island too.

Hi fellow coffee milk and hot wiener all the way brother

I don't live there. I have friends who left because it turned into Dominican Republic Jr. and nobody spoke English anymore.

More Portuguese and italians than anything but I've never gone to Central Falls for anything and I here its pretty ghetto so must be there.

heavy and shaped like a rock

like her tits.

Yeah and her brain!!! She's a stupid whore, you see

She paid, those scammers that called her saying she owed taxes, made her stay on the phone and go down to the local bodega and wire them like 500 dollars

Jesus, you're a racist piece of shit

(who proudly pays his taxes)

This whole thing is funny as fuck. Snitches tattling to the IRS is fucked up but it's still hilarious.

Yeh, fuck taxes. But watching these whoores going mad is hilarious. Kinda hard to deny donations they've received publicly.

Online thots do not have any respect for their base in the slightest. With them, it's just a one-way street completely: they try to force their way into "male" hobby environments, show tits and ass, and expect you to throw them money for pretending to be into the same shit you're into, while being half-naked. The exchange is you give them attention, and they give you nothing. Actual sex workers (even online) exchange SOMETHING; these are just useless women who think they're slick.

Don't feel bad about calling these people out. People call out corporations in the free market, on a daily basis, for not having even the most basic amount of respect for their customer base.

or fiat

What do Italian cars have to do with anything

No! Mia Khalifa is totally an entertaining and hilarious sports expert, you guys!

Brainless whore.

Can we get Brother Joe Indutries and Compound Media busted by the IRS?

I would guess that there is actually no spelling mistakes in this post and that he really did incorporate with that spelling of his company

Keep in mind that if an IRS investigation reveals money is owed, you're given a percentage for reporting it. I've heard 15-30%.

There is a financial benefit for doing this, totally worth it.

Listening to thots blame incells and the alt right when we all know it’s other bitches jealous they’re ugly and can’t fuck for a buck . It’s fucking hilarious

I'll never forget a few years ago I clicked on one of these gonewild girls that also had a r/sexsells profile and she had an imgur album of all the used panties she was selling with descriptions like "Week long worn pissed in & farted in" $40, etc. and in the middle of all pics was one of this enormous log of shit in her toilet. It was the most hilarious/disgusting thing I've seen outside of this sub.

So, did you save the imgur link or what?

Can't believe that queer isn't into logs

Oh man thats so sick haha I wish I could see it to laugh at it.

Rackateering charges are the most unconstitutional thing in America. You have the right to not self incriminate but if they make up a separate charge for failure to pay taxes on illegal income they are forcing you to either self incriminate or break more laws by not doing so. Whole constitution is bullshit these days. Even the teabaggers who were all about constitutional rights support candidates that don't even believe in the first amendment. Fuck this governmental system man! They knew enough to militarize the police and keep the second amendment in check enough to prevent the people from overthrowing government that no longer represents the people.

TLDR: You want sex workers taxes, stop prosecuting sex workers.

At least they show some tiddies. If I'm reporting anyone it's Joe.

"i don't gotta do that baby i only get uber"

Anonymous reports people to the IRS now. Neat.

or fiat

What do Italian cars have to do with anything

No! Mia Khalifa is totally an entertaining and hilarious sports expert, you guys!