1  2018-11-25 by SpaceCaseBassFace


Every day we move further from God's light.......

I guess when Jimmy told her not to talk to 'somebody' he didn't put it in a tip note.

'Sapience' is definitely Jimmy. Or is he using Carmody's online account 'JenJenChan' to groom this poor person suffering from an identity crisis?

"I will call you my prince."

5’11? Nice try Thor


Holy shit.

You crackered the code.


Norton is 1-10


Thor Audit

Thor Athhole

I never usually say things like this but this needs to be higher.

Norm Landover is a real man.

He doesn't care what anyone thinks of him.

He doesn't afraid of anything.

He doesn’t run from the man

He rubs for the man.

Fucking Blurryface or something.

and get this - 5 of those names are Jim Norton. Funnily enough, not the #1 haha.. derp!

Bear609 HAS to be Jimmy. Bear for Steve C (yessssss) and 609 is a New Jersey area code.


If you make the board you are not a prince you are a queen

Prince Allen is actually 6'1"+ and muscular.


Won't see Splits up there no more.

How much is a “tip”?

In this case about 3 inches

1000 tokens is $79.99 so like $500. Bunch of fucking losers

If Anthony used an alias they'd still be an OnA


He's a 5'2 sissy who spent half of his career income on a traveling bodyguard but other people are the pussies.

If only Splits could go back to dotingly hang off the musular arms of Dolph Lundgren...

Fuck you doxed me.

My name is Dan, you stupid token buying, piss drinking fairy.

Can you imagine seeing your made up screen name up there with ten other losers? Knowing they’re fawning over this person exactly like you are.

Russian...you motherfucks keep saying Norwegian and that's a hiv+ RUSSIAN.

There's a huge huge huge problem of Russians giving that shit to clients of sex workers in Scandinavian countries.

My name is Todd Hillier and I am from Pinellas Park, Florida.


Do we have confirmation evidence that Jim Norton was dating this brain damaged man? Is there any audio, pictures, or video evidence. I'm sick of being in the dark on this.

There was a picture from Canada at a restaurant. At best it a "girl"friend experience situation and the poor little guy thought it was a real date.

That is fuckin hilarious.

I couldn't imagine the courage it would take to bring a tranny to dinner with my friends let alone Jim's who happen to be the most ruthless jerks in comedy and say "fellas, we're in love!". The amount of 'nice ____, stupid' jokes must have been off the chart.

HOLYSHIT!!!! This is fuckin despicable! Thanks!

If Jimmy thinks anyone believes that he doesn't constantly use anonymity online he's more delusional than the human mind can comprehend.

Everyone is hypocritical at one point or another, but Jimmy's hypocrisy is truly sickening, especially when he acts like the grandmaster of truth and honesty. He's more insincere and fake than anyone he's associated with.


Musty armpits and smelly assholes.

So which ones you guys wanna be is Jim? i'm thinking stormj or normlandover

Getting his Snapchat for a lifetime. So what is that, two years from now? Trannies are pretty good at killing themselves.

Switch princess and cancer.

Musty armpits and smelly assholes.